研究課題Research Subjects
研究代表者:赤尾 聡史(理工学部 教授)
研究代表者:飯尾 尊優(文化情報学部 准教授)
研究協力者:米永 涼香(文化情報学研究科 修士課程)
研究代表者:小畠 秀和(理工学部 教授)
共同研究者:小澤 俊平(千葉工業大学 教授)
研究協力者:Jürgen Brillo(German Aerospace Center Scientific staff)
このような問題を克服するために、近年、熱エネルギー貯蔵が注目されています。この熱エネルギー貯蔵を使えば、再生可能エネルギーで得られる安定な電力を一度熱として貯蔵して安定化させ、必要に応じてその熱エネルギーを使って安定に発電できる社会が実現できると考えられています。この研究では、この未来のシステムの実現に向けて 1) 熱を効率よく貯蔵・放出できる材料、2) 高温での材料の反応を抑制しシステムの劣化を防ぐ材料の開発を進めていきます。
研究代表者:小林耕太(生命医科学部 教授)
研究協力者:中川 喜嵩(博士課程)、福沢 惠美(博士課程)、新家 一樹(博士課程)、西堀 諒(博士課程)
難聴は知覚障がいとして最も頻繁に観察されるものであり、特に小児難聴は言語能力の獲得を困難にするだけでなく、コミュニケーション機会自体を奪うため、対人関係を構築する能力を学習・獲得するうえでも障害となる。そこで本研究では、2種の齧歯目動物を対象として、先天性難聴と後天性(発達期ストレス)の両方からコミュニケーション能力低下を引き起こすメカニズムを解明することを目的とする。本研究の成果は、SDGs(目標3, 4, 10)達成につながると期待できる。
先天性難聴実験には、申請者らの研究室が難聴モデル動物として確立したMAP2(Microtubule-associated protein 2)遺伝子欠損マウスを使用する。後天性障がいの実験には、幼少期に母仔を一定期間隔離し、ストレスを与える母仔分離操作を経験したスナネズミを使用する。聴覚感度の評価は聴性脳幹反応検査により測定し、コミュニケーション能力を評価するため複数個体Open Field Testにより社会性の発達を定量化する。本研究の目的を達成することで、コミュニケーション障害の治療法の創出に貢献できると考える。
研究代表者:内藤 徹(商学部 教授)
共同研究者:北 美幸(北九州市立大学 外国語学部 教授)
研究協力者:阪田 真己子(文化情報学部 教授)
本申請研究の目的は、性的マイノリティ(LGBTQ+)の人々にとってより生きやすい社会を実現するための処方箋を提示することにある。日本財団が2021年におこなった調査によると1997年から2003年に生まれたZ世代のうち「自分がLGBTQ+である」との回答は20.8%にも達している。もはや、男性/女性二元論でジェンダーを捉えることは難しく、SOGI(Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity、性的指向および性自認)が多様であることを前提としたダイバーシティの推進施策が求められている。高等教育機関である大学においても、これらLGBTQ+とされる学生・教職員に対する就学・勤務の整備は必要不可欠であり急務であるが、その対策を立てる基礎となる研究知見が非常に希薄である。このことを踏まえ、国内外における教育機関における取組を調査し、類型化を行い、さらには定量・定性分析を行う。さらにその知見を基に高等。教育機関(主に大学)における適切な対策・政策を明らかにする.また本研究は、北九州市立大学と学術協定を締結し、研究をより強力に推進する。具体的には、調査(聞き取り)、類型化、定量化・処方箋の提示、知見の公開の順で実施する。
研究代表者:野村 裕美(社会学部 教授)
共同研究者:財津 康輔(東京大学大学院情報学環 特任助教)、松田 美枝(京都文教大学臨床心理学部臨床心理学科 准教授)
研究協力者:社会学部社会福祉学科社会福祉学専門演習(野村クラス)2024年度履修学生、南 重純(京都府断酒平安会 会長)、武内 伸雄(突破計画プランナー)、小島 拓也(就労継続支援A型事業所ALBUM・irodori 代表)、藤原 尚(大元酒類販売株式会社 酒害相談室 精神保健福祉士)
研究代表者:小武内 清貴(理工学部 教授)
共同研究者:大窪 和也(理工学部 教授)
研究代表者:小黒 純(社会学部 教授)
共同研究者:樋口 摩彌(本学嘱託講師、四天王寺大学非常勤講師、滋賀医科大学非常勤講師)
研究代表者:阪田 真己子(文化情報学部 教授)
共同研究者:松川 真美(理工学部 教授)、川口 章(政策学部 教授)、中村 艶子(グローバル・コミュニケーション学部 教授)、Regine DIETH(グローバル・コミュニケーション学部 准教授)、鄭 躍軍(文化情報学部 教授)、新関 三希代(経済学部 教授)、梶山 玉香(法学部 教授)、植木 朝子(文学部 教授)
研究協力者:内藤 徹(商学部 教授)
同志社大学ダイバーシティ研究センターでは 令和 3 年度文部科学省文部科学省科学技術⼈材育成費補助事業「ダイバーシティ研究環境実現イニシアティブ(調査分析)」の選定を受け,「私立大学におけるダイバーシティ推進モデルの構築」に取り組んだ.ドイツ,アメリカ,T.I.M.E. Association を通じた海外の先進事例調査を通じて,日本の私立大学が抱える課題を克服するためのダイバーシティ推進モデルを構築した.その成果として,日本の各私立大学が利用できる「私立大学のダイバーシティ推進のための処方箋」を Web 上のコンテンツとして公開している.
当事業では,私立大学におけるダイバーシティ推進事業は手つかずの状況が少なくないことが露呈するとともに,各私大は,他大学との情報交換や連携を渇望していることが明らかとなった.とりわけ,文科省のダイバーシティ補助事業は,「ダイバーシティ」と冠していながら事実上は女性研究者支援のみにターゲットが絞られていている点や,好事例とされている施策であっても,教育・学務負担が大きい私立大学には適用が難しいものが少なくない点が課題であった.そこで,本プロジェクトでは,日本の約 8 割を占める私立大学のダイバーシティ施策の状況を調査・整理し,その分析結果を実装した「私立大学の強みを活かしたダイバーシティ推進ポータル」を構築,発信できるようなアウトリーチを行うことを目的とする.建学の精神に基づいて社会の知的多様性に貢献しようと「教育」に軸足を置く私立大学がダイバーシティ社会の実現に果たす影響力は極めて大きいと期待する.
研究代表者:関 智宏(商学部 教授)
研究代表者:城田 愛(研究開発推進機構 特定任用研究員)
研究代表者:田口 聡志(商学部 教授)
共同研究者:田中 希穂(免許資格課程センター 教授)
ChatGPTなど生成AIの登場により、テクノロジーを教育の場で如何に活用するかは喫緊の課題といえる。しかし実際には、教員と学生の間で生成AIに対する信頼についてのギャップないしねじれが生じている恐れがある。本研究は、このようなギャップの原因にアプローチすることで、SDGs No.4「教育」の課題解決を目指すとともに、「デジタル化の利点と機会は十分に広く普及していない」という重点課題にも積極的に取り組むことを目指す。
研究代表者:髙橋 美帆(生命医科学部 助教)
研究代表者:辻村 元男(商学部 教授)
共同研究者:吉岡 秀和(北陸先端科学技術大学院大学先端科学技術研究科 准教授)
研究代表者:瓜生原 葉子(商学部 教授)
※1医療資源に優しい行動。出典:瓜生原(2022)『同志社商学』第74巻第2号, 379-402頁 ※https://o-socialmarketing.jp/
研究代表者:宿久 洋(文化情報学部 教授)
共同研究者:松井 祐介(東海国立大学機構糖鎖生命コア研究所 准教授)
研究協力者:寺田 吉壱(大阪大学大学院基礎工学研究科 准教授)岡部格明(JSPS PD)
近年,認知症やがんといった難病の発症メカニズムを解明することは極めて重要な課題となっている. これらの疾患は,病態の進行に伴って患者の生活に支障をきたし,社会的・経済的な負担を増大させる. そのため,これらの疾患の早期発見や治療法の開発は,医学研究のみならず社会全体にとって重要な課題である.また,その一方で生命科学分野における計測技術の発達により,これらの疾患の発症に関わるデータが細胞のDNAに関する情報をはじめとして,数多く得られるようになった. これらの分野において観測されるゲノミクス,トランスクリプトミクス,メチロミクス等をオミクスといい,複数のオミクスからなるデータをマルチオミクスデータという. 近年では,マルチオミクスデータを用いて認知症やがんなどの疾患の発症メカニズムを明らかにすることが期待されている.
本研究では,既存の解析法では十分に捉えることが難しい高次元データを活用し,難病の病態や進行メカニズムを深く理解するための新しい解析法を開発する. 具体的には,高次元であるマルチオミクスデータを疾患の進行と関連する低次元空間に表現することで,疾患の進行と関連するゲノムやタンパク質のグループを抽出するための方法を開発する. これによって,認知症の進行に伴う遺伝子の変化に着目し,認知症の原因解明を目指す.
研究代表者:山森 亮(経済学部 教授)
*Listed in alphabetical order of the principal researchers' names.
Effects of Sewage Sludge Application as fertilizer on bacterial community structure and function
A conversational partner robot to alleviate social loneliness
Development of High-Temperature Thermal Energy Storage Materials for Achieving Stable Supply of Renewable Energy
Toward improving educational inequality: development and evaluation of treatments for social communication disorders caused by hearing impairment using animal models
Empirical Studies to Create LGBTQ+ Inclusive Communities
Investigating the Effect of Serious Game Development by University Students-on the subject of “alcohol,society and myself”-
Development of nano-micro fiber test method under various strain rate conditions
Research on Shukan Bunshun's Coverage, Reporting, and Power Monitoring
Challenges and Prospects of Promoting Diversity in Private Universities:Towards Co-Creation of Diversity
How DX diversifies working practices for workers in SMEs: Towards effective recruiting human resources in Japanese SMEs
Establishing a mentally and physically healthy developmental foundation in order to improve children’s educational environment
A behavioral economic study on trust “gap” for generative AI: Developing nudges to promote digital education
Development of a novel therapeutic agent for COVID-19 that targets the Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2
Assessing investments in decarbonized power sources under uncertainty
Research on the development of a programme for fostering the next generation to contribute to resource-conserving behavior.
High-dimensional data analysis for unraveling mechanism of intractable disease
Sustainable city with basic income and solidarity economy
Effects of Sewage Sludge Application as fertilizer on bacterial community structure and function
Principal Researcher: AKAO Satoshi (Professor, Faculty of Science and Engepartment of Environmental Systems Science)
Research Outline
Nitrogen and phosphorus are the three significant components of fertilizer, as well as potassium. However, these natural resources are unevenly distributed, making agricultural production in resource-poor countries unstable. In addition, the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus diffused from the ground into the ecosystem seems to exceed the environmental carrying capacity, which may result in catastrophic effects on our ecosystem. Reducing dependence on natural resources, i.e., utilizing the nitrogen and phosphorus spread into the ecosystem, is essential (Goal 11 and 12: Sustainability). Furthermore, reducing the dependence on these natural resources by developed countries will lead to stable food production and supply for the world. With the world's population growth, increasing food production and ensuring a stable supply is urgent (Goal 2: Starvation). By the way, nitrogen and phosphorus used for food production are contained in our excrement. Sewage sludge from individuals can be processed as fertilizer, and this research is carried out to support this system, utilizing sewage sludge-derived fertilizers. Currently, sewage systems in developed countries are in a tough situation due to the costly aging social infrastructure. Rethinking sewage systems as a source of resources or a productive component in our society will add value and financial stability to sewage systems and lead to the maintenance and construction of overall sanitation facilities (Goal 6: Water and Sanitation).
Related SDGs
A conversational partner robot to alleviate social loneliness
Principal Researcher: IIO Takamasa (Associate Professor,Faculty of Culture and Information Science Department of Culture and Information Science)
Research Outline
Social loneliness and isolation increase the risk of heart attack, dementia, and early death, as well as depression and suicide. The UK established a Minister for Loneliness in 2018 to address the issue of loneliness, Japan established an Office for Loneliness and Isolation in 2021, and the Act on Promotion of Policy for Loneliness and Isolation was passed in 2023. The author has conducted cognitive and engineering research on robots that converse with people, and has found that people talk to robots about things they would not talk to other people about, feel a deeper relationship with robots based on robots' words and actions, and imitate their words and actions. These findings led me to the idea that, as a way to help combat loneliness and isolation, a robot could be a presence that alleviates the problem of loneliness by combining digital technology and communication in a physical space. Therefore, this research was conducted with respect to Target 3.d "Strengthen the capacity of all countries, in particular developing countries, for early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health risks." under Goal 3 "Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages." The objective of this study is to build and evaluate the effectiveness of a "Conversation Robot System Being with People" to reduce social isolation and loneliness, which is one of the health risk factors of the people.
Related SDGs

3"Good Health and Well-being"
8"Decent Work and Economic Growth"
11"Sustainable Cities and Communities"
Development of High-Temperature Thermal Energy Storage Materials for Achieving Stable Supply of Renewable Energy
Principal Researcher: KOBATAKE Hidekazu (Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering Department of Environmental Systems Science)
Research Outline
Recent remarkable technological development has succeeded in reducing the cost of power generation from renewable energy. Despite of these successes, the proportion of renewable energy in total electric power supply is still insufficient to become a major power source.
This is due to the unstable power supply from renewable energy, which strongly depends on weather condition. To overcome this difficulty, thermal energy storage is attracting attention in the world. The thermal energy storage is one of the promising technologies that enable the stabilization of electric power supply from the renewable energy source. The aim of this project is development of a material with high heat-exchange ability at high temperature towards the realization of this future energy system.
Related SDGs
Toward improving educational inequality: development and evaluation of treatments for social communication disorders caused by hearing impairment using animal models
Principal Researcher:KOBAYASHI Kota (Professor, Faculty of Life and Medical Sciences Department of Biomedical Information)
Research Outline
[Background] Hearing loss is the most prevalent perceptual disability, and infantile hearing loss not only hinders language acquisition but also deprives opportunities to develop social communication skills and rise a risk of social isolation. To investigate the physiological mechanisms underlying hearing-impaired-related communication disability, we will utilize two types of model rodents: congenital hearing loss and early-stress-related communication disorder animals. This research will contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly goals 3 (Good Health and Well-being), 4 (Quality Education), and 10 (Reduced Inequalities).[Research Plan] For the experiments on congenital hearing loss, we will employ MAP2 (Microtubule-associated protein 2) gene-deficient (MAP2 Knock out: MKO) mice, which our laboratory established as a model organism for peripheral hearing loss. For the experiments on early-stress related acquired communication disability, Mongolian gerbils that have experienced stress from being separated from their parents during their early developmental days will be used. Their hearing sensitivity will be assessed using the auditory brainstem response (ABR) test, a quantitative measure of neural activity in the auditory peripheral system. Additionally, the open field test, where two or more stranger animals placed in an observation arena and their behavioral responses to each other are recorded, will be conducted to evaluate their communication ability and quantify social development. We believe that this research proposal will help elucidate the biological basis of communication disorders and contribute to develop its treatment.
Related SDGs
Empirical Studies to Create LGBTQ+ Inclusive Communities
Principal Researcher:NAITO Tohru (Professor, Faculty of Commerce Department of Commerce)
Research Outline
The purpose of this study is to propose a prescription for realizing a more comfortable society for sexual minorities (LGBTQ+). According to a survey carried out by the Nippon Foundation in 2021, 20.8% of the Generation Z born between 1997 and 2003 said that they are LGBTQ+. It is now difficult to grasp gender in terms of male/female dualism, and measures to promote diversity based on the premise that SOGI (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) is diverse are required. In universities, which are institutions of higher education, it is essential and urgent to improve schooling and working conditions for LGBTQ+ students and faculty members, but research findings that can serve as the basis for such measures are very scarce. In light of this, we will survey and categorize the efforts of educational institutions in Japan and overseas, and conduct quantitative and qualitative analyses. Based on the findings, appropriate measures and policies for higher education institutions (mainly universities) will be identified. This research will also conclude an academic agreement with the University of Kitakyushu to promote the research more strongly. Specifically, the study will be conducted in the following order: survey (interviews), typology, quantification and prescription, and publication of findings.
Related SDGs
Investigating the Effect of Serious Game Development by University Students-on the subject of “alcohol,society and myself”-
Principal Researcher:NOMURA Yumi (Professor, Faculty of Social Studies Department of Social Welfare)
Research Outline
This study will work on a serious game that simulates solving social problems. University students will develop a serious game. The effects of the game are to be verified. We focused on the following two points. The process of game development promotes understanding of social structure. Games have two values. The two things they can do are to create and to play. There are two things that university students can gain. It can build partnerships with diverse actors. It also allows students to acquire life skills to confront social problems.
The theme that students will work on is goal 3.5. University students need to have a proper understanding of the impact on their bodies and minds, their families and immediate surroundings, and their communities. Students spend a year creating a game. The main theme is "Alcohol, Society and Myself. Addicts themselves, family members, professionals, facilitators, and others will provide support.
Related SDGs
Development of nano-micro fiber test method under various strain rate conditions
Principal Researcher:OBUNAI Kiyotaka (Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering Department of Mechanical and Systems Engineering)
Research Outline
From the perspective of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the use of lightweight materials such as polymer composites has garnered attention to reduce CO2 emissions from vehicles. Among the various methods to enhance the mechanical properties of composite materials, modifying the polymer matrix through the addition of nano- and microfibers is considered a simple and effective approach. Typically, the mechanical properties of composites, including those with added fibers, can be estimated by considering the mechanical properties of the additives. However, assessing the mechanical properties of nano- and micro- fibers themselves is challenging due to their small size. Furthermore, since most nano- and micro-fibers are made from polymers, their mechanical properties may exhibit strain rate dependency, yet there is currently no suitable test apparatus available to investigate these properties under dynamic loads in the nano- to micro-newton range. The objective of this theme is to develop a novel test method for evaluating the mechanical properties of nano- and micro-fibers under various strain rate conditions. By enabling easier investigation of the mechanical properties of these fibers, this new test method has the potential to accelerate the development of new materials. Ultimately, this research aims to contribute to the advancement of lightweight and sustainable materials for various applications, aligning with the goals of sustainable development.
Related SDGs

7"Affordable and Clean Energy"
9"Industry Innovation and Infrastructure"
12"Responsible Consumption and Production"
Research on Shukan Bunshun's Coverage, Reporting, and Power Monitoring
Principal Researcher:OGURO Jun (Professor,Faculty of Social Studies Department of Media, Journalism and Communications)
Research Outline
Compared with the existing mass media, such as newspapers and television, which have played a central role in journalism, how has Shukan Bunshun, which represents magazine journalism, maintained its uniqueness in terms of its power monitoring function? This study clarifies this. We attempt to derive a framework for the "Shukan Bunshun Model" that can be continuously implemented by analyzing the contents of the magazine and conducting interviews with former editorial staff. The results will be converted into oral histories that will be accessible to researchers at home and abroad.
For example, inequalities and disparities arise in society when "powers" such as politics, government agencies and corporations become corrupt and fail to function properly. Digging up and raising these issues is one of journalism's power monitoring functions.
This study empirically examines the reporting case of Shukan Bunshun through comparison with existing mass media. The research and development of the Shukan Bunshun Model is consistent with the SDGs' goal (10.3); "Ensure Equal Opportunities and End Discrimination." It is also directly linked to the SDGs' goal (16.5) ; "Substantially Reduce Corruption and Bribery."
Related SDGs
Challenges and Prospects of Promoting Diversity in Private Universities:Towards Co-Creation of Diversity
Principal Researcher:SAKATA Mamiko (Professor,Faculty of Culture and Information Science Department of Culture and Information Science)
Research Outline
The Diversity Research Center of Doshisha University was selected by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) in FY2021 for the "Initiative for Realization of Diversity Research Environment (Survey and Analysis)," a project funded by the MEXT's Grant-in-Aid for Human Resource Development for Science and Technology, and worked on the "Construction of Diversity Promotion Model in Private Universities. Through surveys of advanced cases in Germany, the U.S., and overseas through the T.I.M.E. Association, we developed a diversity promotion model to overcome the issues faced by private universities in Japan. As a result, the "Prescription for Promoting Diversity in Private Universities" is available on the Web as a content that can be used by private universities in Japan. (https://doshisha-diversity.jp/doshisha-sophia/prescription/)
This project revealed that many diversity promotion projects at private universities are still untapped, and that private universities are eager to exchange information and collaborate with other universities. In particular, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's diversity subsidy program, while bearing the title of "diversity," effectively targets only support for female researchers, and many policies that are considered good examples are difficult to apply to private universities with heavy educational and academic workloads.
Therefore, the purpose of this project is to survey and organize the status of diversity policies at private universities, which account for approximately 80% of all private universities in Japan, and to construct a "Diversity Promotion Portal that leverages the strengths of private universities" that implements the analysis results and conducts outreach to enable the dissemination of the portal. We expect that private universities, which are based on the spirit of the founding of the university and have their focus on education in order to contribute to the intellectual diversity of society, will have an extremely large influence on the realization of a diverse society.
Related SDGs
How DX diversifies working practices for workers in SMEs: Towards effective recruiting human resources in Japanese SMEs
Principal Researcher:SEKI Tomohiro (Professor, Faculty of Commerce Department of Commerce)
Research Outline
Due to changes in the business environment, Japanese SMEs face a variety of management challenges, but one of these challenges, which has become particularly serious over the past few years, is securing human resources. DX is considered to be one solution to this problem.
DX is the concept of using digital technology to transform work and life for the better, and while a certain amount of digitalization appears to have progressed in SMEs, partly due to the growing infection of COVID-19, many SMEs are far from promoting digitalization, let alone DX. These SMEs have not been able to create diverse ways of working for their employees and, as a result, have been unable to secure the necessary human resources, which makes their continuity as a business entity unstable.
This study aims to identify the key elements of how DX can diversify the way employees work in Japanese SMEs. While it is generally known that the use of digital technologies can make work and life better for people working in companies, SMEs have not been able to achieve this. This project will use best-practice case studies to uncover the essentials of how promoting DX in SMEs can diversify the way employees work. This will help SMEs to secure effective human resources.
Related SDGs
Establishing a mentally and physically healthy developmental foundation in order to improve children’s educational environment
Principal Researcher:SHIROTA Ai (Researcher, Organization for Research Initiatives and Development)
Research Outline
This research focuses on the quality of sleep of caregivers and children and the home environment, with the goal of improving children's healthy development and educational environment. The results of the research are expected to help create and maintain a healthy environment for children's upbringing, and foster the aptitude for children to accept high-quality education (Goal 3: Health and Welfare, Goal 4: Quality Education). Improving the quality of life (QOL) of caregivers creates optimal well-being within the family and leads to improved parenting attitudes. On the other hand, in Japan today, the emotional poverty of caregivers is undermining the environment in which children should be raised.
The specific content of this research is to ask caregivers and children about their physical and mental conditions using a questionnaire, measure physical activity and heart rate during bedtime, and judge sleep quality from sleep efficiency and parasympathetic nervous system activity. Based on these indicators, we will evaluate the correlation between the sleep quality of caregivers and children, and examine the influence of the correlation between parent and child sleep quality on parenting attitudes. Mental and physical health and education are interconnected, and in order to provide high-quality education, we must improve mental and physical health, a goal that cannot be achieved. A sustainable challenge is to maintain a stable home environment for children, which is supposed to be a safe haven, and to connect this to the education of the children who will be responsible for the future.
Related SDGs
A behavioral economic study on trust “gap” for generative AI: Developing nudges to promote digital education
Principal Researcher:TAGUCHI Satoshi (Professor,Faculty of Commerce Department of Commerce)
Research Outline
This study aims to elucidate, from a behavioral economics perspective that empathizes with human psychology, whether there is indeed a “gap” in the trust that educators and students place in generative AI in the educational field, and if so, what the cause might be. This issue arises from the possibility that a ‘gap’ may exist between the trust that the educator side has in generative AI and the trust that the student side has in it.
With the advent of generative AI such as ChatGPT, how to utilize technology in the field of education can be said to be an urgent issue. However, in reality, there is a risk that a gap or distortion may occur in the trust towards generative AI between teachers and students. This research aims to approach the cause of such a gap, aiming to solve the issues of SDGs No.4 ‘Education’, and also actively tackle the key issue that ‘the benefits and opportunities of digitalization are not sufficiently widespread’
Related SDGs
Development of a novel therapeutic agent for COVID-19 that targets the Spike protein of SARS-CoV-2
Principal Researcher:TAKAHASHI Miho (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Life and Medical Sciences Department of Medical Life Systems)
Research Outline
Maintaining healthy biodiversity and ecosystems, while also preserving human health, is important for achieving a sustainable society. We aim to contribute to the maintenance of human health by developing inhibitors against SARS-CoV-2, which is spreading worldwide. Currently, antiviral drugs such as RNA polymerase inhibitors and virus protease inhibitors have been developed for COVID-19. However, there is concern about the emergence of resistant strains with decreased sensitivity to these drugs, emphasizing ongoing the importance of new drug development.
SARS-CoV-2 has spike proteins (S proteins) on the surface of its particles. These S proteins interact with ACE2 proteins present on the host cell membrane through the receptor binding domain (RBD) of the S protein ; this interaction is essential for the entry of SARS-CoV-2 into the cells. Our aim in this study is to develop SARS-CoV-2 inhibitors that target the RBD of the S protein, thereby inhibiting virus entry into target cells and subsequent virus propagation. In the previous Doshisha SDGs project, we successfully identified a series of tetravalent peptides that specifically bind to the RBD of the S protein using a multivalent peptide library technique that we developed. In this project, we will perform biochemical analysis and in vitro studies using pseudotype viruses. It is expected that new peptide-based SARS-CoV-2 inhibitors will be developed.
Related SDGs
Assessing investments in decarbonized power sources under uncertainty
Principal Researcher:TSUJIMURA Motoo (Professor,Faculty of Commerce Department of Commerce)
Research Outline
The capacity mechanism is an effective means to secure electricity supply capacity over the medium to long term and to promote climate change policy. In Japan, the capacity market, one of the capacity mechanisms, has been established and the auction has been implemented since 2020. However, this has not been enough to ensure a stable supply of electricity over the medium to long term, and the capacity market system has been under review. As part of the review, a long-term decarbonized power auction, a program to encourage new investments in decarbonized power sources, begins in 2024. In order to make the long-term decarbonized power source auction system more effective toward achieving carbon neutrality, an appropriate model for evaluating the generation capacity of decarbonized power sources is needed.
This research project will develop a model for assessing the value of decarbonized power generation capacity to answer the question: "How and to what extent does the long-term decarbonization power source auction system affect the mechanism for determining the value of the generation capacity of decarbonized power sources under medium to long term uncertainty?”Furthermore, utilizing actual data, we provide insights into the energy policy for achieving carbon neutrality. We will contribute to Goals 7, 9, and 13 of the SDGs through this research project.
Related SDGs
Research on the development of a programme for fostering the next generation to contribute to resource-conserving behavior.
Principal Researcher:URYUHARA Yoko (Professor,Faculty of Commerce Department of Commerce)
Research Outline
The goal of this series of research is to contribute directly to the achievement of the SDGs by developing and implementing educational programs and their evaluation indices that will enable the next generation to voluntarily take actions to conserve limited resources.
The objectives of this research are to (1) clarify the behavioral barriers, motivations, and values for making biodiversity conservation behavior a personal goal, develop programs based on these insights, implement them in society, and measure and evaluate them, and (2) examine the relationship between biodiversity conservation behavior and medical eco-behavior*1. When each individual takes actions to conserve the resources of the earth and medicine, they fulfill their responsibility to use them, protect the abundance of the oceans and land, and lead to health for all people. There are various approaches to promote this, but we focus on individual behavior change. This is because we believe that the process by which each individual recognizes what actions he or she can take and accumulates practices will influence various stakeholders, increase social impact, and form social norms.
As social implementation research, it is characterized by its direct contribution to problem solving and its interdisciplinary research that examines the mechanisms of attitudes and actions toward the SDGs across disciplines.
*1 Medical resource-friendly behavior. Source: Uryuhara (2022), Doshisha Shogaku, Vol. 74, No. 2, pp. 379-402.※https://o-socialmarketing.jp/
Related SDGs

3"Good Health and Well-being"
4"Quality Education"
12"Responsible Consumption and Production"
13"Climate Action"
14"Life Below Water"
15"Life on Land"
High-dimensional data analysis for unraveling mechanism of intractable disease
Principal Researcher:YADOHISA Hiroshi (Professor,Faculty of Culture and Information Science Department of Culture and Information Science)
Research Outline
In recent years, elucidating the mechanisms underlying the onset of challenging diseases, such as dementia and cancer, has become crucial. As the pathology of these diseases progresses, they cause significant disruptions in the lives of patients, imposing social and economic stress. Consequently, early detection and development of treatment methods for these diseases are critical not only for medical research, but also for society at large. Advances in measurement technologies in life sciences have resulted in the collection of a plethora of data related to the onset of these diseases, including information on cellular DNA.
In life sciences, data observed in genomics, transcriptomics, methylomics, and other fields are collectively referred to as "omics," and data comprising multiple omics are termed "multi-omics data." Recently, there has been a growing expectation that multi-omics data can be used to elucidate the onset mechanisms of diseases such as dementia and cancer.
This study aims to develop a new analytical method to obtain a deep understanding of the pathophysiology and progression mechanisms of challenging diseases by leveraging high-dimensional data that are difficult to capture using existing methods. This study specifically focused on representing high-dimensional multi-omics data in a low-dimensional space associated with disease progression. This method aims to extract groups of genomes and proteins related to disease progression. Consequently, this study focuses on gene changes associated with dementia progression to elucidate the causes of dementia.
Sustainable city with basic income and solidarity economy
Principal Researcher:YAMAMORI Toru (Professor, Faculty of Economics Department of Economics)
Research Outline
This research has two aims: 1. to trace forgotten collective practices that tried to actualise sustainable cities, and 2. to reconstruct what they could teach us for today.
My oral historical research on the British working-class women’s movement shows that they hoped for what can be called ‘degrowth’ today by constructing sustainable communities, along with their universal basic income demand for achieving gender equality. This research will make a hypothesis from this 'grassroots feminist thought'— the theory that it is necessary to have gender equality (SDGs 5), minimum income security (SDGs 1), and responsible production and consumption (SDGs 12) to achieve 'sustainable cities' (SDGs 11). Secondly, this research will examine the hypothesis. Thirdly, this research will find and trace other collective practices in history or today.
This research is, in sprit, related to the works and practices by Etsuji Sumiya (1895 -1987), an economist at Doshisha who was devoted to consumer cooperative movement.