研究概要一覧 Research Outline
プロジェクト概要 研究概要一覧 Research Outline COVID-19 Research Project 研究成果 COVID-19 関連ニュース COVID-19座談会 「LIAISON」vol.61増刊号 COVID-19 Research Project シンポジウム |
新型コロナウイルス感染症に関する緊急研究課題 ~各研究課題の概要
Outline of each research subject of the Urgent Research Related to COVID-19
研究代表者:秋山 いわき(生命医科学部 教授)
研究代表者:青木 真美(商学部 教授)
Project DIVOC 91: A Multiple-view Pilot Study Investigating "Total Leadership" Best Practices Post-COVID 19 in Japan
研究代表者:Philippe BYOSIERE(ビジネス研究科 教授)
研究代表者:程 俊(理工学部 教授)
研究代表者:藤本 昌代(社会学部 教授)
研究代表者:藤村 友美(心理学部 准教授)
研究代表者:舩津 浩司(法学部 教授)
研究代表者:芳賀 博英(理工学部 教授)
コロナ下での外出自粛を前提として,各種の信頼性が求められる行為を,安全におこなうための,データセキュリティの研究を行った.そのために用いた技術がブロックチェーン(Block Chain)である.ブロックチェーンは暗号化とハッシュ関数技術を用いて,蓄積された情報の信頼性を担保するためのデータ構造である.本研究では,ブロックチェーンとWebアプリケーションを組み合わせて,Web上で安全にデータの入力,更新,出力がおこなえるシステムを構築し,それを用いた住民データ管理システムのプロトタイプを開発した.これはネット環境さえあれば,様々な住民サービスを実現できるプラットフォームとなり得るものである.
Assessing the impact of Covid-19 on the travel intention and behavior of domestic tourists in Japan
研究代表者:Isabell HANDLER(ビジネス研究科 准教授)
研究代表者:橋本 雅彦(理工学部 教授)
2021年2月28日に理工学部化学システム創成工学科 橋本雅彦教授の研究グループの英国王立化学会Analytical Methods 誌に掲載された論文が、13巻8号のOutside Front Cover(表表紙)を飾ることとなりました。
※本研究では、SARS-CoV-2 RNAの塩基配列を部分的に模して人工合成された感染の恐れのないRNAサンプルを使用しています。
研究代表者:波多野 賢治(文化情報学部 教授)
研究代表者:服部 篤子(政策学部 教授)
研究代表者:東 信行(理工学部 教授)
本研究の目的は、高分子鎖のコンフォメーション変化にもとづく極性スイッチングを利用してコロナウイルスを不活性化することである。具体的には、pHに応答して極性変化する高分子鎖にウイルスのエンベロープ結合性の中鎖アルキル基を導入した新たなポリマー分子 Iを設計・合成した。まず、I のシランカップリング反応によりガラス基板上への安定な集積化に成功した。次いで、pHによるポリマー鎖のコンフォメーション変化を調べたところ、高pH→低pH変化(ΔpH~2)で、カルボキシ基のプロトン化が進行しポリマー鎖の瞬時の疎水化を達成した。エンベロープモデルのDPPC脂質膜小胞体との相互作用を蛍光プローブ法により検討した結果、微小なpH変化が見事に閉鎖小胞体の崩壊を誘導することを明らかにした。
研究代表者:樋口 純平(社会学部 准教授)
研究代表者:廣田 健(理工学部 教授)
遮光下で効果がある無機の抗菌性物質が求められている.本研究では,暗所抗菌性ZnOの抗菌性の発現が,ZnO結晶の格子間に存在する Zni (interstitial Zn)に由来することを考慮し,粉体の製造当初から Zniを含む可能性があるフランス法で合成したZnO(以後F-ZnO)に着目し,さらに少量のリチウムLiを添加して酸素中600˚Cで熱処理することで,遮光下で抗菌性を発現する活性酸素種(ROS)の生成量が出発原料の2倍以上になることを発見.
研究代表者:飯塚 まり(ビジネス研究科 教授)
研究代表者:池川 雅哉(生命医科学部 教授)
研究代表者:石井 好二郎(スポーツ健康科学部 教授)
研究代表者:和泉 真澄(グローバル地域文化学部 教授)
研究代表者:片桐 滋(理工学部 教授)
研究代表者:加藤 恒夫(理工学部 准教授)
理工学部 音声言語処理機構研究室では,これまでに人型ロボット2体を用いて英会話訓練を行うロボット言語学習支援システムを開発してきたが,遠隔学習を可能にするためにPC上のロボットアバター2体とウェブ会議システムzoomを組み合わせ,ロボットアバター言語学習支援システムを新たに開発した.同システムを用いた遠隔英会話訓練の学習効果と訓練中の学習者の集中度を検証するため,大学生10名による6日間の遠隔英会話訓練実験を実施し,英文法を正しく運用できる割合の変化と視線追跡装置によるロボットアバターに対する注視率を計測した.実験の結果,顕著な学習効果と視線情報が集中力の指標となりうることを確認した.
研究代表者:川口 章(政策学部 教授)
研究代表者:河瀬 彰宏(文化情報学部 助教)
研究代表者:河島 伸子(経済学部 教授)
研究代表者:川嶋 四郎(法学部 教授)
研究代表者:木村 共孝(理工学部 准教授)
研究代表者:岸田 広平(研究開発推進機構 助教)
研究代表者:古賀 智之(理工学部 教授)
研究代表者:小原 克博(神学部 教授)
研究代表者:槇原 絵里奈(理工学部 助教)
研究代表者:三田 雄一郎(生命医科学部 助教)
COVID19を引き起こすSARS CoV2は、ACE2とTMPRSS2を利用して細胞へ侵入する。また、血中SePの増加がCoVID19の予後を改善することも報告された。そこで、COVID19治療薬のシーズ物質の探索のため、SeP mRNAを減少させずに、ACE2、TMPRSS2、SePを減少させるL-ISTを同時に抑制する物質の探索を行った。
研究代表者:三俣 学(経済学部 教授)
研究代表者:森 千香子(社会学部 教授)
研究代表者:向 正樹(グローバル地域文化学部 准教授)
研究代表者:村上 紗央里(研究開発推進機構 助手)

新型コロナウイルス感染症の拡大によって、差別や偏見、不寛容といった問題が深刻化している。本研究では、現代社会において市民が社会や公共的なものへの関心を高め、社会的公共的問題を自らの問題として考え行動していくことが必要と考え、社会的公共的課題に取り組む人々へのインタビューに基づく教育開発に取り組んだ。第一に社会的公共的課題に取り組む人々にインタビューを行い、仕事や活動の内容や問題意識について尋ね、問題意識を涵養する過程を理解するためのテキストを作成している。第二に高大生を対象とした「身の回りの社会から考える わたしと公共ワークブック」を開発した。
ポストコロナ時代における企業間電子商取引(B2B e-Commerce)の新たな実務形成と法的問題について
研究代表者:長沼 健(商学部 教授)
研究代表者:内藤 正典(グローバル・スタディーズ研究科 教授)
研究代表者:中西 久枝(グローバル・スタディーズ研究科 教授)
研究代表者:中谷内 一也(心理学部 教授)
同志社大学 心理学部 中谷内 一也 教授は、本プロジェクトの研究課題「新型コロナ対策の有効性認知に関する公衆―専門家間比較」の研究成果を発表しました。“A comparison of perceived effectiveness of preventive behaviors against COVID-19 between the public and medical experts: Not so different in means, but in distributions” と題した論文は、3月3日にJournal of Health Psychology に掲載されました。
中谷内 一也(同志社大学 心理学部 教授)
尾崎 拓(同志社大学 心理学研究科)
柴田 侑秀(同上)
横井 良典(同上)
研究成果発信【VIDEO】COVID-19 Research Project シンポジウム(YouTube再生)
研究代表者:新川 達郎(政策学部 教授)
公衆衛生・保健機構をSocial Capitalとした,新たな創造的地域・都市そして福祉社会の軌跡と展開—経済思想における「都市社会政策」の実践と福祉社会機能の創造—
研究代表者:西岡 幹雄(経済学部 教授)
研究代表者:野田 遊(政策学部 教授)
研究成果発信【VIDEO】COVID-19 Research Project シンポジウム(YouTube再生)
研究代表者:野口 範子(生命医科学部 教授)
研究代表者:小黒 純(社会学部 教授)
研究代表者:沖 勝登志(ビジネス研究科 チェアプロフェッサー教授)
研究代表者:大久保 雅史(理工学部 教授)
研究代表者:大崎 美穂(理工学部 教授)
研究代表者:太田 肇(政策学部 教授)
研究代表者:佐伯 順子(社会学部 教授)
研究代表者:阪田 真己子(文化情報学部 教授)
研究代表者:櫻井 芳雄(脳科学研究科 教授)
本研究は、脳の嗅覚系システムの機能と構造を明らかにすることで、新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)で生じる嗅覚障害の解明を目指した。特にこれまで不明であった嗅皮質の極小領域ventral Tenia Tecta (vTT)に着目し、行動実験、電気生理学、神経解剖学を駆使して実験した。その結果、vTTが単に匂いの情報処理だけでなく、匂いに基づく多様な行動状態をコードしていることを発見した。また嗅覚経路の一部である外側嗅索核(NLOT)の働きについても同様の実験で調べた。その結果、NLOTも単に匂いの情報処理だけでなく、匂いに基づく行動の制御や報酬の有無をコードしていることがわかった。これらの成果を嗅覚の神経システムの全容解明に繋げることで、COVID-10による嗅覚障害の原因と予防法も可能になると期待している。
創造的人口減少を可能にするまちづくり生態系モデルの構築 -withコロナ時代における地域自律と人口分散に向けた処方箋-
研究代表者:佐野 淳也(政策学部 准教授)
研究代表者:佐藤 健哉(理工学部 教授)
研究代表者:関 智宏(商学部 教授)
研究代表者:庄子 博人(スポーツ健康科学部 准教授)
研究代表者:須貝 フィリップ(ビジネス研究科 教授)
研究代表者:田口 聡志(商学部 教授)
本研究では、COVID-19時代の企業のリスク・マネジメントやコーポレート・ガバナンスの新しいあり方について、行動経済学に依拠して、大きく2つの視点から分析をおこなった。第1に、COVID-19下の経済社会の状況を、VUCA(Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity)社会と位置づけ、市場と組織におけるテクノロジーの進展が、どのようにVUCA社会における人間同士の信頼を紡ぐことができるかを模索した。また第2に、企業のDX(Digital Transformation)化が企業の情報開示や監査のあり方をどのように変革させるかを議論した。本研究からは、人の社会的選好を、テクノロジーを用いたナッジで如何にドライブさせるかが重要な鍵となること、さらには企業のデジタル化の進展とともに、それに即した社会制度設計が喫緊の課題となることなどが示唆される。
研究代表者:田原 義朗(理工学部 准教授)
研究代表者:高木 俊(スポーツ健康科学部 助教)
研究代表者:高橋 広行(商学部 教授)
新型コロナウイルス(以下,COVID-19)という大きな環境変化が、消費者のデジタルツールの受容(QR決済アプリサービスというニッチなイノベーションの浸透)にどのように影響するのかを分析している。研究の背景には、Geels(2002, 2007, 2011, 2019)が提唱してきた「Multi-Level Perspective」(マルチ・レベル・パースペクティブ)と言われる社会技術の現象を捉える理論を用い、ニューノーマルと言われる生活スタイルの変化(文化)や、それを促す政治(政策)、科学・技術、産業などの社会を形成する要素(制度)の変化も含めたデジタルツールの受容への影響を測定する。データは、公益財団法人 吉田秀雄記念事業財団の2020年度の研究支援調査結果(上期・下期)のデータを用い、分析を進めている。
研究代表者:高橋 宏司(司法研究科 教授)
研究代表者:高橋 美帆(生命医科学部 助教)
SARS-CoV-2が肺胞上皮細胞等の標的細胞に侵入する際には、ウイルス粒子表面のスパイクタンパク(Sタンパク)が、細胞表面に発現する受容体アンジオテンシン変換酵素2(ACE2)と相互作用することが必要である。Sタンパクは受容体結合部位(receptor binding domain : RBD)を介してACE2と特異的に結合する。本研究では、独自に開発した多価型ペプチドライブラリー法を用いて、Sタンパク上のRBDを標的とし、ACE2との相互作用を阻害するペプチド性阻害薬を開発することを目的としている。
研究代表者:田中 秀樹(政策学部 准教授)
研究代表者:田附 俊一(スポーツ健康科学部 教授)
研究代表者:土屋 隆生(理工学部 教授)
演奏会に耐えうる音響をリモートで実現する技術としてシリコンコンサートホールに着目し、リモート演奏会支援のためのツールを開発した。本システムはHMD (Head Mounted Display)とホールのバイノーラル音響を提供するノートPCから構成されている。ホールのインパルス応答を予め計算しておき、それに両耳の頭部伝達関数を畳み込むことで臨場感あふれるバイノーラル音響を実現している。HMDのトラッキングカメラと連動させることで頭部の動きに連動したバイノーラル音響を実現でき、ステージで演奏しているかのような臨場感を提供できるようになった。また、ホールの3D CGによる映像を映すことで、高臨場感を伴うVR環境を提供できるようになった。
研究代表者:辻村 元男(商学部 教授)
研究代表者:上田 誠一郎(法学部 教授)
研究代表者:鵜飼 孝造(社会学部 教授)
研究代表者:瓜生原 葉子(商学部 准教授)
研究代表者:Aysun UYAR(グローバル地域文化学部 准教授)
研究代表者:和田 喜彦(経済学部 教授)
研究代表者:八木 匡(経済学部 教授)
研究代表者:山田 礼子(社会学部 教授)
グローバル・コンピテンシー(GC)の獲得が今日の大学教育の課題となっている。本研究では、これまで社会学部教育文化学科で実践してきた海外研修カリキュラムをコロナ禍においても追究するため、オンライン型海外交流授業のモデル構築を行った。具体的にはハワイ大学教育学部との連携のもと、新型コロナウイルスに対する各地域の教育実践上のリアクションを「コロナ教育文化COVID Culture of Education」と名付け、ハワイと京都をフィールドとしてその解明を目指した。両大学から2〜3名ずつで構成される学生チームを結成し、Zoom、Googleドライブ、LINE等を介して議論・調査を進めた。英語・日本語を交えた資料収集、教員へのインタビュー、生徒・学生へのアンケートなど、調査方法、着眼点、内容いずれもバラエティ豊かな調査が実施され、GC獲得に資する学習の機会となった。成果はオンライン発表会、報告書、および学会報告に結実した。
Market Category Formation Studies
研究代表者:山内 雄気(商学部 准教授)
どのように新市場が創出されるのかという論点は、コロナ渦において、その重要性がますます高まっているように思われる。ヒトとヒトの接触を避けるために、多くの産業でAIやロボットの利用が進展していくことも予想されている。本研究では、新たに生じた社会課題を解決することが期待されるこれらの技術が、新市場としていかに立ち上がっていったのか、その歴史的経緯を、カテゴリー創造の観点から検討した。とくに、既存研究においてしばしば注目される「企業家の英雄的行為」に縛られずに、多様なアクターの果たす役割に着目した点にひとつの特徴がある。この観点を理解するために、本研究ではStrategic Action Field Theoryに依拠し、相異なる利害関心を持つアクターによる集合行為として市場が立ち上がっていく様相を明らかにした。
研究代表者:殷 勇(ビジネス研究科 教授)
海外(武漢・ヨーロッパ・アメリカ等)の例から、パンデミック時の医療システムの崩壊は、最悪な結果を招くことが明らかである。医療崩壊を防ぐために、主に二つの方向で努力が必要である。1.感染者の増加を抑えること。 2.医療キャパシティを増やし、効率的に運用すること。
研究代表者:米井 嘉一(生命医科学部 教授)
研究代表者:鄭 躍軍(文化情報学部 教授)
研究成果発信【VIDEO】COVID-19 Research Project シンポジウム(YouTube再生)
Outline of each research subject of the Urgent Research Related to COVID-19
Novel pneumonia diagnosis by multimodality imaging of US and MR
Research Leader: AKIYAMA Iwaki (Professor, Faculty of Life and Medical Sciences)
Due to the increase in the number of COVID-19 patients, lung echo for the purpose of diagnosing pneumonia is drawing attention. It is known that artifacts such as B line appear in the echo image of the lung. In this study, we constructed a system aimed at elucidating the mechanism of occurrence of artifacts peculiar to lung echo by multi-modality imaging by simultaneous imaging of ultrasound and MR. An ultrasonic imaging system installed in the MRI control room and an MRI-compatible probe installed in the MRI coil are connected for imaging. In addition, an MR marker was attached to the probe in order to extract the ultrasonic tomographic plane in the coordinate system of the three-dimensional image captured by MRI. Using an ultrasonic probe that can be used in a high magnetic field environment of MRI (Siemens 3T), an MRI image on the same plane as the ultrasonic tomographic image was extracted, and a system capable of comparing the two was constructed.
The impact of the pandemic planning on public transport and tourism and the future of the industry
Research Leader: AOKI Mami (Professor, Faculty of Commerce)
A questionnaire survey was conducted on the actual use of public transportation and the outlook for future use among working people and children/students in the Kansai region. For example, it was found that the use of railroad commuter passes decreased by about 20% between April and May 2020 (before and after the first emergency declaration), and then remained flat and stopped decreasing.
In the analysis of the business conditions of railroad companies, we examined the monthly data of the number of regular and non-scheduled passengers of 15 major private railway companies, East Japan Railway Company and West Japan Railway Company from January 2020 to March 2021 (year-on-year comparison). As a result, we found that the decline in the number of non-regular passengers was smaller in East Japan and that the decline in the number of regular passengers was smaller in West Japan.
Project DIVOC 91: A Multiple-view Pilot Study Investigating "Total Leadership" Best Practices Post-COVID 19 in Japan
Research Leader: Philippe BYOSIERE (Professor, Graduate School of Business)
Efficient Group Testing Algorithms for COVID-19
Research Leader: CHENG Jun (Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering)
Test matrices are recursively constructed for quantitative group testing. Let X be a T-by-N binary test matrix with the number of test subjects N and number of tests T, where the (t,n)-th entry of the matrix is equal to 1 if the n-th subject is included in the t-th pool for test. Using the test matrix, the T outputs of the pool tests are given. Since the real time RT-PCR is incorporated in the testing, each output provides the information about the viral load in the corresponding pool, and is then quantized. Decoding the T outputs gives the set of all infected people out of the N subjects, even if there is some measure error in the testing.
Changes in Working Conditions and Countermeasures during the COVID-19 Disaster: A comparison between the Nation Wide Large Enterprises Survey and Kyoto City's SMEs Survey
Research Leader: FUJIMOTO Masayo (Professor, Faculty of Social Studies)
In this study, we surveyed the state of affairs immediately after the emergency declaration in Japan due to COVID-19 after April 2020, focusing on nationwide large companies and also on small and medium-sized companies in Kyoto City. In the large company survey, the smaller the size of the company, the more insufficient in terms of funds, and the larger the company, the more durability to the situation. However, in terms of intra-organizational communication, the discrepancies were greater in large companies, while small companies had fewer problems and were more durability. In the survey of small and medium-sized companies, compared to the stability of medium-sized companies in the manufacturing industry in terms of orders, flexibility of employment patterns, information gathering, etc., wholesalers/retailers, companies with a high ratio of women, small companies, or companies with older establishment years were severely damaged in terms of sales, orders, etc. In terms of the generation of presidents, companies with young managers in their 30s were suffering from a lack of information. This phenomenon could not be explained by the capabilities of electronic media. From this, the impact of the shorter time (years of experience) to build trust in social relationship capital was apparent.
The effect of perception of own and other's faces on non-face-to-face communication
Research Leader: FUJIMURA Tomomi (Associate Professor, Faculty of Psychology)
As COVID-19 spread across the world, video communication (VC) tools have been widely used. On the other hand, some people have a psychological barrier to VC for any reason other than technical problems. This research investigated which psychological trait is related to a psychological barrier to VC. The result of an online survey revealed that people with high public self-consciousness feel resistance to displaying own face to a stranger on VC, and that people with high perspective taking prefer face-to-face communication to VC on lectures at University.
Legal challenges of business activities after COVID-19
Research Leader: FUNATSU Koji (Professor, Faculty of Law)
This research project examines how the legal framework should be changed in the future with regard to the activities of companies, whose legal framework has traditionally been formed on the premise of physical contact between people, but which are now progressing in the direction of minimizing physical contact in the wake of COVID-19. There are two main pillars to this research project. One is to explore how and to what extent it is possible to simplify the system that presupposes physical meetings (meetings of shareholders, board of directors, board of corporate auditors, etc.) in the Companies Act, which determines how companies are organized. The other is to reexamine the significance of the written documents that are currently prepared in practice and to consider alternative methods that have legally equivalent functions.
Research on the highly reliable and secure information system using blockchain technology
Research Leader: HAGA Hirohide (Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering)
This article presents the design and implementation of highly secure and reliable database system for resident records management system using blockchain technology. Blockchain provides highly secure and reliable data access environment. In blockchain, several data fragments are packed into one block and all blocks are connected to form the chain of blocks. In our prototype, each event of resident such as birth, moving, employment and so on, is assigned to data fragment and certain amount of data fragment, say 20 fragments, are packed into block. We also developed the web application interface to avoid installing any applications in users' PC or smartphone. Prototype development proved the possibility to use the blockchain technology to large amount of data management system with highly secure and reliable features.
Assessing the impact of Covid-19 on the travel intention and behavior of domestic tourists in Japan
Research Leader: Isabel HANDLER (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Business)
Using a public opinion survey, this project assesses the impact of Covid-19 on the domestic travel intentions of Japanese leisure tourists. Specifically, this project was separated into two major themes: 1) How psychological and social determinants such as the level of travel fear, news media consumption, and government stimulus impact the domestic travel intention and 2) How the attitude towards Covid19 and worry impacts the visit intention to onsen. The findings give an overall impression on the worries of Japanese on national travel in general and visit to onsen in particular. This research contributes to the existing literature on travel risk and travel fear and gives a detailed description on the travel attitude of Japanese nationals under Covid-19. Results will give suggestions on the sense of national travel campaigns, the necessity of safety measures, and strategies for the domestic travel market to ensure that the concerns of Japanese travelers, who constituted more than 82% of the total number of leisure travelers in Japan, are being addressed.
Research Achievements【Slide】 [PDF 1.2MB]
Fundamental studies for developing a compact PCR device featuring reduced false-negative results and high usability
Research Leader: HASHIMOTO Masahiko (Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering)
Prof. Hashimoto and his colleagues have developed a new microfluidic cartridge for single-molecule droplet polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The new cartridge eliminates the need for manual droplet transfer between the major steps of droplet PCR analysis, allowing very convenient single-molecule droplet PCR. They successfully detected single synthetic RNA molecules of SARS-CoV-2 using the cartridge and common laboratory equipment.
A Study on Non-Proliferation of Infodemic on SNS
Research Leader: HATANO Kenji (Professor, Faculty of Culture and Information Science)
In recent years, many news articles with intentionally incorrect information have been spread on social network sites. Fake news tends to be more interesting to us, and will cause an infodemic. Therefore, there is an urgent need to control infodemics worldwide, especially to determine whether news is fake or not.
In this study, we propose a method for generating input data accurately for graph neural network, and it can help to improve the accuracy in classifying nodes in graphs.
A study on the partnership for the durable community
Research Leader: HATTORI Atsuko (Professor, Faculty of Policy Studies)
The purpose of this research is to consider what factors are necessary to increase the resilience of local communities, what kind of situation a sustainable community is, and who is responsible for. So far, we have focused on communities that involve urban beekeeping.
Under the Covid-19, we conducted a national urban beekeeping survey to find out whether the community could sustain the relationship and if mutual assistance would be created.
Most of the leaders in urban beekeeping have dual professional work and were social entrepreneurs who designed the future of the region. We collected the knowledge and findings that the leader experienced for over 10 years. As a result, it was clear that the urban beekeeping is one of method for achieving affluence, regional resources can be externalized, and it is possible to affect the young carrier. Moreover, it figured out that if the goal are shared in the weakened ties actually, the interaction could be emerged.
Development of Antiviral Surfaces using Conformational Change of Polymer Brushes
Research Leader: HIGASHI Nobuyuki (Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering)
The main subject of this work aims to inactivation of the enveloped viruses by using polarity-switching based on conformational changes of the polymer segments. By ATRP polymerization, a novel stimuli-responsive polymer (I) has been successfully prepared, which is composed of pH-responsive poly(acrylic acid)-based copolymer segment including membrane-binding stearyl and triethoxysilane attaching to the glass surface. This polymer (I) could be immobilized onto glass plate and also shows conformational transition by varying pH. When the interaction of lipid bilayer vesicle of DPPC as a model of envelope and the monolayer-covered glass surface was examined by fluorescence probe method, the entrapped molecules of the vesicle inner water phase was found to be released quickly to outer water phase by lowering pH, meaning the disintegration of vesicle structure to monomer and/or micelle by the hydrophobized globular polymer chains.
How does the permeation of teleworking affect HRM systems?
Research Leader: HIGUCHI Jumpei (Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Studies)
The pandemic of Covid 19 which started from 2020 urged organizations to make full use of teleworking systems. As a result, managers are facing many challenges to adjust their own management style. This research examines how Japanese companies have been coping with difficulties from the view point of human resource management and what changes are taking place in their HR systems and practices. In-depth case studies of large corporations which are advanced in this area were conducted and implications for the change of traditional Japanese employment relations are explored.
Preparation of hybrid titanium & zinc oxides powders having a strong antibacterial activity
Research Leader: HIROTA Ken (Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering)
New ZnO powders have been synthesized from a small amount of Li (3~6 at%) added ZnO powders by heating at 873 K for 3.6•103 sec in O2, based on the idea that antibiotic properties might be originated from interstitial Zn in nonstoichiometric ZnO. The starting powder has been prepared via “French Method”. Thus obtained powders revealed strong antibiotic properties under dark conditions. The present antibacterial mechanism has been studied; the proposed idea was that a small amount of holes produced in the valence band of Li-doped ZnO could generate hydroxyl radical (•OH), one of most strong antimicrobial Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) by reaction with OH-, being much different from the conventional generation of •OH. The ROS generation has been proved using the chemical luminescence (CL) of luminol in the buffer aqueous solution which contained a small amount of Li-doped ZnO powder with and without a scavenger (2-poropanol) for •OH.
Covid-19 and Foreign students in Japan: Racism, telework for international workers, multi-lingual applications to promote Covid-19 prevention, and on Japanese purity and compassion culture
Research Leader: IIZUKA Mari (Professor, Graduate School of Business)
Responding to the pandemic, the Well-being Research Center conducted a variety of projects.
1.Foreign Students and Pandemic Study: A survey on "International Students and Coronavirus" was conducted. The students presented at an international academic conference (Humanistic Management Network).
2.Corona Prevention App: Created and improved, and was introduced on NHK.
3.Publication of Booklets: 'Wellbeing Research Series' (1 ~ 5) was published (ISSN: 2436 -3022). The total number of authors and contributors is 27.
4.Telework Survey: Based on a sample of more than 2000 samples, we surveyed the relationships between the well-being and telework, and made 3 presentations at academic conferences. The research is on-going.
5.Survey on Diversity Management (Promotion of Women's Advancement in Japanese Big Businesses): A case study of 25 top firms was conducted with Global Compact Network Japan (GCNJ). The results will be presented at the United Nations Global Compact Leaders' Summit.
6. SDGs under Pandemic Survey: We cooperated in the GCNJ's SDGs survey involving over 300 Japanese companies by contributing to the report and moderation at the seminar.
7.Well-Being education: Well-being class was offered to Doshisha undergraduates and students in Kyoto. How we educate was disseminated through FD to more than 200 participants from universities all over Japan.
8. Cheering Job-seeking Students Amidst Pandemic: Conducted total of four well-being research seminars.
Highly sensitive proteomic analysis of spike protein of SARS-CoV-2
Research Leader: IKEGAWA Masaya (Professor, Faculty of Life and Medical Sciences)
COVID-19 is a complex disease which not only causes respiratory problems. Symptoms can range from the loss of sensory functions, such as smell, to the decline in cognitive functions which we call brain fog. Our research using an animal model of olfactory dysfunction due to destruction of olfactory epithelium, imaging mass spectrometry clarifies overall metabolic and proteomic effects of the brain. In order to uncover the mechanism of SARS‐CoV‐2 infection via olfactory bulb and its implications in neurodegenerative diseases, the current strategy must be feasible. Furthermore, in combination with a modern bioinformatics tools, we can visualize metabolic effects from systemic dexamethasone administration, a therapeutic drug for severe lung infections.
Research Achievements 【VIDEO】(YouTube)
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on health promotion activities of community-dwelling elderly adults among Kyoto city.
Research Leader: ISHII Kojiro (Professor, Faculty of Health and Sports Science)
This study investigated the actual situation of how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the implementation status of the elderly salon in Kyoto City. As a result, about 90% of salons were not held from April to May when the state of emergency was announced. Also. Even after June, when the state of emergency was lifted, it became clear that more than half of the salons were still canceled due to problems at the venue and psychological problems on the management side. Therefore, in order to carry out social activities for the elderly in a new lifestyle, devise new social activity programs such as online, and carry out activities that can alleviate psychological anxiety about social activities of both participants and management. It is required that not only salon personnel but also the government and administration work together.
Anti-Asian Hate Crimes in the Novel Coronavirus Pandemic
Research Leader: IZUMI Masumi (Professor, Faculty of Global and Regional Studies)
Violent verbal and physical assaults against Asians increased all over the world after the spread of COVID-19. This project assessed the report published by THE STOP AAPI HATE, a civic organization that researched about the anti-Asian hate crimes in the United States. This project also analyzed how the Japanese major newspapers reported on the issue. Close to 4,000 incidents of anti-Asian violence were reported by THE STOP AAPI HATE between March 2020 and February 2021. They include intentional neglects, verbal insults, racial slurs, as well as physical attacks such as pushing and shoving. Women were 2.3 times more likely to be assaulted. Civic organizations such as THE STOP AAPI HATE also publicized information about how to deal with imminent or actual assaults, and also provided bystander trainings, etc., to promote individual and community self-protection. In Japan, the major newspapers tended not to broadcast the anti-Asian incidents unless they involved Japanese nationals abroad. After the mass-shootings in three Asian Spas in Atlanta, Georgia, that happened in March 2021, a few articles appeared that analyzed these hate crimes in the context of American race relations and immigration history.
Development of Video Shooting/Display Technology for Improving Gaze Matching in Online Conferences
Research Leader: KATAGIRI Shigeru (Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering)
This research is related to the development of video shooting and display technology for improving gaze matching in online meetings. The proposed method consists of the followings: 1) a way for detecting the position of a person and shooting him/her using each of cameras mounted on a display, 2) an image processing-based way for shooting a person who strides adjacent displays, and so on. We first filed a patent application for the basic idea of the proposal, and aimed to realize the idea by creating a "minimal camera" whose diameter is only about 1 cm. Through experiments, we obtained several expected results: for example, the eyes of a person in front of the display could look straight at the camera position using the minimal camera and its related technologies, even if the person actually lowered his eyes than the position of the minimal camera.
Effect measurement of CALL/RALL system in online environment
Research Leader: KATO Tsuneo (Associate Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering)
Speech and Laboratory Processing Laboratory in science and engineering department has developed a robot-assisted language learning (RALL) system that conducts training of English conversations for L2 learners with two humanoid robots. To meet the increasing demand for remote learning in the spread of COVID-19, we developed a robot-avatar-assisted language learning system by combining two robot avatars in PC and zoom software. We examined a learning effect of focused syntactic forms and a gaze ratio to the avatars as an index of the learners' degree of concentration during learning in a six-day remote learning experiment with 10 university students.
Economic and Psychological Effects of Temporary Closure of Elementary Schools and Childcare Centers on Working Parents
Research Leader: KAWAGUCHI Akira (Professor, Faculty of Policy Studies)
The purpose of this research is to analyze how the employment of two-earner couples with elementary-school or younger children changed between January and July 2020. In particular, the research focuses on the widening gap between the sexes in terms of working days. An online survey was implemented in the beginning of August for about 800 men and women, respectively.
I found the following facts: First, the probability of furlough of female employees and the number of positive cases per population of prefecture they live have positive relationship, but the opposite is true for male employees. Second, the probability of furlough is negatively related to the change in sales of the industry, regardless of gender. Third, women who have non-regular jobs were most seriously affected by the spread of COVID-19.
Cross-Sectional Study on the Transformation of the Japanese Music Industry under COVID-19
Research Leader: KAWASE Akihiro (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Culture and Information Science)
The purpose of this research project was to clarify how the COVID-19 disaster brought about changes in the behavioral patterns of people in the live entertainment market. We focused on the music industry, which has been a contact-based business model, and conducted both qualitative survey and statistical analysis of the values of 1,500 music consumers. As a result, we found that a qualitative change in music consumption behavior is occurring. Although there was a significant decrease in participation in non-online music events within the first year after the COVID-19 outbreak, we found that consumers who had been reluctant to participate in online music events realized that online distribution had its own advantages, and there was a change in behavior in which they saw future potential in online music events.
The impact of COVID-19 on the arts and culture—towards new forms of policy and practices
Research Leader: KAWASHIMA Nobuko (Professor, Faculty of Economics)
This research project investigates responses of Kyoto city to the arts and culture that have been hard hit by the pandemic. A specially created fund has distributed grants to more than 100 cultural facilities that operate across the city that normally survive without city's support. This is because the City for the first time recognized the importance of such an eco-system for artistic creativity. The official cultural policy of Kyoto has largely been confined to the running and funding of publicly-established museums and other facilities, so it was a major realization of the importance of public-private partnership. To further such an organic cultural policy, an arts-council style organization with specialist staff will be required. We also conducted a large-scale Internet survey to investigate any changes in the demand for the arts and culture. One of the findings is that people in the future would prefer to have offline as well as online consumption of cultural events, suggesting the importance of retaining and improving digital distribution of the arts and culture well into the future.
Transformations and Problems of Fundamental Procedural Principles in Civil Dispute Resolutions in the Post-COVID-19 World
Research Leader: KAWASHIMA Shiro (Professor, Faculty of Law)
In this research I criticized the ongoing “Implementation of IT to Civil Adjudication” in the field of Civil Procedure in Japan from the viewpoint of ordinary users of dispute resolution system, because of apparently exclusive-like plans and initiation against vulnerable citizens and enterprises etc. and advocated not only the fundamental right of “ubiquitous access to justice for all” but also instrumental rights of “internet connection by way of ICT”, “demand for ICT-support”, “procedure guarantee by way of outreach-type”, one-stop Judicial service including ADR, Provisional Remedy and Execution etc., “demand to keep high confidentiality” and “basic procedural-value guarantee principles” etc. In this study I searched of construction of “Modern Japanese Inclusive Civil Procedure” for all citizens in Japan including vulnerable citizens and enterprises against Governmental plan and tendency.
Development of many-to-many online communication tool
Research Leader: KIMURA Tomotaka (Associate Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering)
Online communication is becoming more and more important due to the new coronavirus infection. Current online communication systems are suitable for one-to-many communications such as classes, but they are not suitable for many-to-many communications such as group work and social gatherings. In this study, we consider a traffic reduction method for many-to-many communications based on user distance and video size. Through experiments, we verified that our proposed method can reduce the communication traffic.
Longitudinal study on the effects of COVID-19 on mental health problems in children and adolescents
Research Leader: KISHIDA Kohei (Assistant Professor, Organization for Research Initiatives and Development)
This study aims to investigate the impact of sudden and temporary school closures on both child and parent mental health in Japan during the COVID-19 pandemic. A sample of 2074 Japanese parents with children and adolescents aged 6–15 years participated in this nationwide online study. The parents responded to questionnaires about their own mental health and that of their children. Participants were divided into four school closure conditions for the past week: regular holiday, full school closure, partial school closure, and full school open. Multivariate analysis of variance indicated that school closure affected not only internalizing problems, but also externalizing problems in children and adolescents. In addition, school closures affected parental depression, anxiety, and stress. These results suggest that provision of prevention for both internalizing and externalizing problems in children and adolescents are necessary during full school closure. Moreover, support to mitigate the potential mental health impacts on parents is needed during the pandemic.
Development of novel coating molecules with antiviral activity for general-purpose polymer materials
Research Leader: KOGA Tomoyuki (Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering)
Developing a novel method to inactivate viruses attached to the surface of general-purpose polymers is a significant challenge in materials chemistry. In this study, we have developed a new coating material composed of antiviral silver nanoparticles (AgNP) and artificial oligopeptides that can interact with various polymeric substrates. Three types of boronic acid-terminated oligopeptides, that contained AgNP-binding cysteines, hydrophobic amino acids and hydrogen-bonding amino acids, were newly designed and prepared by solid phase peptide synthesis. Detailed analysis of the conformation of the peptides was conducted in water, especially with respect to the impact of primary sequence. In addition, these peptides were found to self-adsorb onto AgNP through a silver-thiolate bond. Thus, these artificial peptides are expected to act as functional coatings that bind organic-inorganic materials.
Conscience in the Pandemic Age: An Interdisciplinary Study to Renew the World View
Research Leader: KOHARA Katsuhiro (Professor, School of Theology)
Conscience can play a role of the useful platform to recognize the current crisis and to tackle it in the interdisciplinary way. Facing the newly emerging problems, we have to extend the idea of "conscience" without hanging on its conventional one. One of the ways for it is to materialize the view of "knowing together" with the future generation in order to recognize our responsibility for the coming generations. This is an urgent mission in terms of the energy problem as well as the environmental problem. In our age in which the traditional category of nature-human-artificial relationship is shifting, "conscience" is also supposed to play a role of the new interface to reconstruct that relationship.
An automatic feedback system in distance programming exercise
Research Leader: MAKIHARA Erina (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering)
Educational institutions are now conducting distance learning classes due to the influence of COVID-19. We proposed an automatic feedback system to support distance programming education. The proposed system is a programming environment, which can collect all coding histories and corresponding output. We collected the logs of programming process by proposed system, as well as the corresponding biological information of heart rate variability (HRV) and eye blinking by students. We can measure the physical stress by calculating the data of HRV, and the concentration by the number of eye blinking by a student. Comparing two types of logs showed us that when a student performs the compile and gets errors in a short time, the student feels stress. As well, when a student stops coding for a long time, the number of her/his eye blinking is increased, which means the student will be distracted. According to the result, the proposed system can support students by recommending a hint or a break time automatically to a student when the system detects the logs of compiling in a short time.
Identification of substances that suppress the expression of SARS-CoV2 receptors
Research Leader: MITA Yuichiro (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Life and Medical Sciences)
Cell entry of SARS CoV2 depends on ACE2 and TMPRSS2. In addition, it was reported that a high SeP concentration in the blood improves the prognosis of COVID19. Therefore, in order to find seed substances for COVID19 therapeutics, we searched for substances that simultaneously suppress L-IST, which can decrease SeP protein level, ACE2, and TMPRSS2 without decreasing SeP mRNA.
TMPRSS2 located at rafts in the cell membrane and raft control of cholesterol metabolism. Oxidized cholesterol, a one of cholesterol metabolite, decreased ACE2 and L-IST, and TMPRSS2. This data suggested that the regulation of cholesterol metabolism is a promising therapeutic target for COVID19.
A Study on the Transition Process toward the Steady State Economy
Research Leader: MITSUMATA Gaku (Professor, Faculty of Economics)
This research project conducted the questionnaire survey (at the preparatory stage) on the current situation of the outdoor recreation activities for the students of my class ‘Environment and Resource’ in 2020. The result of the primary survey shows that (1) many respondents use open spaces such as parks with rich nature near their resident areas, (2) 45% respondents answered that they had more opportunities to exercise than before Covid 2019 pandemic had widespread (Over 60% respondents enjoy exercise or walk as the outdoor activities) and (3) the respondents with high level of interest and knowledge about the natural environment has little to do with the selection of activity sites for the purpose of avoiding infection.
Doing Fieldwork in a Pandemic
Research Leader: MORI Chikako (Professor, Faculty of Social Studies)
This research sought to identify a series of new challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic in conducting fieldwork in sociology and anthropology, and to make suggestions for how to adjust and continue qualitative research without face-to-face interactions. In the first place, we have reviewed the literature concerning remote research methods. In the second place, we have had several remote meetings (via MS-Teams) with researchers based in Japan and in other countries to discuss the logistical and ethical challenges posed by the COVID-19, and to share strategies for remote research. In the third place, we have launched a dedicated website to share our own experiences and findings (https://cv19socialresearch.wixsite.com/website).
Online Archive for Global History of Pandemics
Research Leader: MUKAI Masaki (Associate Professor, Faculty of Global and Regional Studies)
As a part of global history research, this study compares and analyzes the long-term effects of pandemics such as the Plague, which was called the Black Death in Europe. In recent years, research on the crisis of the 14th century has been carried out in collaboration with humanities and science. In order to maintain such a research in a sustainable way, it is necessary to create a system that can mutually utilize the research results of both parties. In this research project, with the cooperation of graduate students in the field of history, we will collect research literature, original materials, and data on population and disasters related to the spread of infectious diseases in the "14th century" and subsequent plague infections and their social effects, and publish the accumulated results in an online archive.
Study of Citizenship in Post-COVID-19 World; Fostering Public Mindedness
Research Leader: MURAKAMI Saori (Assistant, Organization for Research Initiatives and Development)
The world since the beginning of 2020 has faced deep difficulties adjacent to the COVID-19 pandemic: discrimination, disruption and lack of tolerance. One mission of the educational system in this era is to build a foundation for thinking civically and acting on this civic mindset in our daily lives and in our communities. The purpose of this educational study is to develop course materials and tools based on an interviews survey with people who have been engaged in care work, social work and civic activities.
First, this study conducted an interview survey of X professionals focusing on the process of cultivating their public mindsets. It produced the biographical stories about participants which are a resource for thinking about civic mindedness. Second, this study developed the workbook entitled “Thinking about Myself and Society from a hands-on perspective.”
Future studies will continue this interview survey and will provide practice for high school students and university students toward energizing civic dialogue.
New Creation of B2B e-Commerce of the Post COVID-19 Era and its Legal Issues
Research Leader: NAGANUMA Ken (Professor, Faculty of Commerce)
Today, conducting international business as usual is challenging due to anti COVID-19 measures such as lockdown and social distancing. Under these circumstances, companies are adopting e-commerce systems to facilitate transactions, along with new operating rules and customs.
In this study, we investigate both positive and negative effects brought by the changes mentioned above through interviews and questionnaires. The study also discusses legal problems that arise from the creation of new business practices and customs.
Resilience of Muslims in the Covid-19 Pandemic
Research Leader: NAITO Masanori (Professor, Graduate School of Global Studies)
The Covid-19 pandemic has caused divisions and conflicts around the world. Discrimination and exclusion regarding race, ethnicity and religion were typically observed, In this study, we clarified how Muslims showed resilience to pandemic in the Middle East and the West.
Cremation or Burial: How to Make Epidemiological Public Good and Religious Freedom Compatible in the Age of Covid19
Research Leader: NAKANISHI Hisae (Professor, Graduate School of Global Studies)
This project examined how religious freedom and public epidemiological good can be compatible, especially in the complex and multi-layered effects of COVID-19 infection. We published the project report that consists of two parts. Part I discussed religious freedom under the pandemic situation from human rights and human security perspectives. Part II covered the case studies both in the worlds of Judaism and Islam. This part illustrated the relationship between state authority and religious communities, media coverage of COVID-19 and Jewish ultra-orthodox communities, and the pandemic effects on Muslim women in their daily lives and social movements. The project ultimately addressed the question of how the practice of multiculturalism can be achieved or transformed in the age of Covid19, which sheds new lights on the existing scholarship.
A comparison of public and expert perceptions of the effectiveness of several measures against COVID-19
Research Leader: NAKAYACHI Kazuya (Professor, Faculty of Psychology)
This brief report documents the results of a survey that measured the public's and doctors' perceived effectiveness of preventive behaviors against COVID-19, in Japan. Medical doctors (n = 117) and the general public (n = 1086) participated in our online survey. The results of the analysis of mean scores indicate that there were only slight differences in perceived effectiveness between the two groups, while the differences in distributions were remarkable. The results of Silverman's test suggest the unimodality of doctors' responses and multimodality of the public's responses. Implications of the findings to combat the risk of infection are discussed.
Perspective on Risk Management Policy in COVID-19 Disease
Research Leader: NIIKAWA Tatsuro (Professor, Faculty of Policy Studies)
The central government has had the initiative in controlling infectious diseases in Japan, but at the same time, the local government has been in charge of the actual implementation. It was often seen that cooperation between the national and local governments did not be achieved, so that response was not in line with the actual infection. Health centers, local hygiene laboratories, and public medical institutions of Prefectures and large cities are particularly important to respond, but the system of public health has not been capable of responding to pandemics. Regarding public-private partnerships to deal with crisis situations, some medical institutions and businesses cooperated, but in general, private-sector medical institutions did not always cooperate smoothly. From the perspective of crisis management, the national and local governments could not take effective measures in terms of reaching out to businesses, the nation and residents. Due to insufficient risk communication and lack of concrete measures to refrain from going out, the behavior of the people was incomplete in responding to pandemic, and infectious diseases could not be completely suppressed.
The trajectory and development of new creative communities, cities, and welfare societies with public health and health institutions as social capital: the practice of 'urban social policy' in economic thought and the creation of welfare social functions
Research Leader: NISHIOKA Mikio (Professor, Faculty of Economics)
Revitalization of the urban society and economy of Osaka was carried out as part of a social infrastructure to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. This rebirth process was the origin of the 'urban social policy' based on urban management and social productivity, while attempting to expand from British economic thought. Based on the economic philosophy of 'specialization and combination' and 'differentiation and integration', the development and improvement of public health and medical care (with not only protection of citizens' health and safety, but also discovery and investigation of health problems or research and development of preventive health measures) led to a welfare society through improved social productivity and public interest.
A city's social capital has the responsibility of saving human lives and preserving their social existence (i.e., save people from poverty, famine, and hunger produced by a market). Economy had originally been recognized as a substantive space which came into effect surrounded by non-economic institutions such as politics, military, and religion to preserve human life and welfare; that is, social capital.
Public information and protective behaviors
Research Leader: NODA Yu (Professor, Faculty of Policy Studies)
Although local governments usually carry out public relations activities, citizens do not pay much attention to them during normal times. However, during emergencies, the political leaders' every effort becomes a major focus of attention, thus information dissemination by local governments becomes a primary factor in determining the protective behavior of residents. This study examined how information dissemination by local governments can promote protective behaviors such as refraining from going out under the COVID-19 pandemic. The focus of this study was on the framing of information. Framing is a way of understanding that emphasizes certain aspects and dares not shed light on other aspects. The difference in the framework of episodic information compared to statistical information is also a similar issue. This study investigated how the effect of such framing affects social distance and refraining from going out. In addition, I examined the effects of different targets of information dissemination and the relationship between public welfare and private rights such as privacy protection.
Science communication of the expert committee and the government for measure against COVID-19
Research Leader: NOGUCHI Noriko (Professor, Faculty of Life and Medical Sciences)
Since emergence of COVID-19, the reorganization in the cabinet office and the ministry of health, labor and welfare for measures against COVID-19 was followed up. This study revealed the inadequate science communication between the expert panel on COVID-19 and the government. Through interview for an infection expert and a medical doctor and journalist, it was re-established that training of capable science communicators was urgently needed. In regard to a system for exchange of opinion between scientists and government in order to improve science communication, the circumstances in advanced countries were compared with that in Japan. It is suggested that the fellowship system in which scientists learn about policy making for science and technology from the government members should be introduced. In this system, inversely, the government members learn science and technology from scientists, which encourages politicians to make a decision based on scientific evidence.
Research Achievements 【VIDEO】(YouTube)
Research on Media Coverage of COVID-19
Research Leader: OGURO Jun (Professor, Faculty of Social Studies)
For the purpose of verifying whether the mainstream media of Japan fulfills the social role, the content analysis of the main newspaper was carried out. All the editorials of 5 national newspapers (Asahi, Mainichi, Yomiuri, Nikkei, Sankei) from November 2019 to January 2021 were collected from the newspaper article database, and text mining was carried out using KH coder to grasp the transition of tone and discussion in the editorials for qualitative analysis. More than half of all newspapers' editorials mention the coronavirus since January 2020. Although the editorial calls for the government to take practical measures, it does not provide specific procedures, and there is little analysis of the reasons for the lack of measures. It can be said that the newspaper editorial did not fulfill the social mission of providing sufficient information and direction regarding the novel coronavirus disease.
Management Strategies that Japanese Companies should adopt in the post-corona era based on consideration of the strategies and performance of Japanese companies after the Global Financial Crisis
Research Leader: OKI Katsutoshi (Professor, Graduate School of Business)
Although Japanese companies have improved their profitability, return to shareholders and financial strength since the Global Financial Crisis, they have fallen behind other major economies in labor productivity. In post-corona, (1) digitalization, human resource investment, (2) emphasis on intangible assets such as intellectual property, and (3) a shift in awareness from goods consumption to activity (KOTO) consumption are extremely important for improving productivity. In addition, in order to achieve these goals, companies must pursue management strategies that are aware of the need to increase their financial leverage, while at the same time establishing a management structure that is based on the strengthening of corporate governance that is conscious of the environment and social responsibility.
A study for embodiment in video communication
Research Leader: OKUBO Masashi (Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering)
From the comparison of the communication experiment under the face-to-face condition and the video condition, in the video communication, it is suggested that the acquisition of the visual non-verbal information is restrained environment from a decrease in movement of the head and the central axis of body and the limit of the screen range in comparison with face-to-face condition. Furthermore, the possibility that the decrease in feeling of transmission and utterance rate is caused by this environment. From these results, it is suggested that people feel stress such as the impatience in the environment where the visual non-verbal information is controlled than a face-to-face communication condition. That is why the video communication tool is not used positively.
Influential Factor Analysis of COVID-19 Infection and Outbreak by Co-nonlinearity Analysis Methods
Research Leader: OHSAKI Miho (Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering)
When analyzing an unknown phenomenon such as COVID-19, unexpected new findings may be overlooked if variables are narrowed down based on an excessive hypothesis. Machine learning and knowledge discovery methods are required that model complex dependences behind a variety of variables (co-nonlinearities) without limiting hypotheses and variables. In this study, we proposed and developed such a co-nonlinearity analysis method by combining neural network regression for nonlinear modeling and group lasso for automatic variable selection. We then tried to investigate the influential factors of infection and onset by the application of our method to public COVID-19 datasets.
Quantitative and qualitative research on post-corona organizational reform
Research Leader: OTA Hajime (Professor, Faculty of Policy Studies)
I researched how the organization and management will change after COVID-19. The main findings are as follows. First, the introduction of remote work is hampered by the relationships and communication in the workplace as well as the work content and the environment. Many companies are planning to introduce a "job based" work style instead of a "membership" one. However, the "self-employed " is more suitable than the "job based" because of the labor market and employment practices in Japan.
Research of the new way for the survival of Japanese traditional culture through online
Research Leader: SAEKI Junko (Professor, Faculty of Social Studies)
Through the online and the face to face interview surveys with five important person related to Japanese traditional culture in Kyoto, this research project found out that all informants equally faced the difficulties for continuing their cultural activities; such as Gion festival, Japanese cuisine, tea ceremony, flower arrangement, and Noh performance, under the spread of Covid 19. However, they have also cultivated the new way for inheriting their culture through online lessons and reevaluate the importance of Japanese traditional culture by deeply considering about the meaning of the Japanese tradition in the contemporary society. The interviewees are Fusae Kojima (the director for the innovation of traditional houses of Kyoto), Tomoko and Kyoko Nakamura (Landladies of Yoshida Sanso), Yoshikuni Ogasawara (the next master of the Ogasawara school tea ceremony) , Senko Ikenobo (the next master of the Ikenobo flower arrangement school), and Soichiro Hayashi (Kanze school Noh performer) for their cooperation. We deeply appreciate their cooperation.
What is accessibility for "no one is left behind" in post-corona society?
Research Leader: SAKATA Mamiko (Professor, Faculty of Culture and Information Science)
It is necessary to extend the accessibility problem in universities that presupposes "(especially physical) disabilities" to social barriers caused by various characteristics such as mental and developmental disabilities, international students, student communication environment, age, and so on. This study was to practically examine what accessibility is for "no one is left behind". As a result, it was found that the ratio of requesting "in-person classes" is significantly reduced in 2021 when multiple access methods can be selected compared to 2020 when the transition to online classes was forced. In this way, we must reconsider the way accessibility should be, which is premised on "taking classes at university".
Search for neural mechanisms underlying olfaction disorder caused by COVID-19
Research Leader: SAKURAI Yoshio (Professor, Graduate School of Brain Science)
Our final goal is to elucidate neural mechanisms of olfaction disorders caused by COVID-19. For that, we are investigating neural mechanisms of olfaction, which is almost unclear at present. This year, we targeted the ventral tenia tecta (vTT), a small and unclarified component of the olfactory cortex. We recorded the activity from individual vTT neurons during the performance of learned odor-guided reward-directed tasks in mice. We found that individual vTT neurons were highly tuned to a specific behavioral epoch of learned tasks. The peak time for increased firing among recorded vTT neurons encompassed almost the entire temporal window of the tasks. Collectively, our results suggest that vTT neurons selectively encode specific behavioral contexts during goal-directed behaviors. We also recorded the activity from individual neurons of the nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract (NLOT) during the performance of the same tasks in mice. We found that individual NLOT cells showed activity excitation or inhibition depending on the behaviors the olfactory stimuli indicated. This result indicates that NLOT neurons are involved in odor-guided behavioral control. We would like to make use of these findings to archive our final goal.
Research Achievements 【VIDEO】(YouTube) MANABE Hiroyuki
Formulation of community design ecosystem model enables creative population decrease -Recipe for regional autonomy and population dispersion with corona era-
Research Leader: SANO Junya (Associate Professor, Faculty of Policy Studies)
The new coronavirus epidemic has led to an increase in the number of people moving from urban areas to rural areas, changing jobs, and seeking employment locally. At the same time, however, it is difficult to say that regions and local governments are taking full advantage of such opportunities. Therefore, in this study, we define the system and relationships that enable multi-sectoral players in a region to collaborate organically, take actions flexibly and collaboratively, and continuously bring about an impact on the region as the "ecosystem of regional innovation" (community design ecosystem). We extracted its existence and formation process from practical examples (Kamiyama-cho, Tokushima Prefecture; Ama-cho, Shimane Prefecture; Onagawa-cho, Miyagi Prefecture). A public symposium was held to present the results of this research, and more than 250 people from local government officials and researchers nationwide participated.
Effective Connection and Transmission Method Based on Network Virtualization
Research Leader: SATO Kenya (Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering)
Opportunities for working and studying at home are increasing due to the prevention of the spread of new coronavirus infection. Therefore, the traffic of stream data such as Web conferencing and video viewing through the Internet is increasing, and efficient network transmission technology is required. In this research, we have developed a new route control method by load distribution according to the bandwidth ratio of multiple networks using network virtualization technology (OpenFlow). Using a simulator (ns-3), we compared the performance between this method and the conventional method (OSPFv2), and verified that throughput and packet loss rate are superior. We also showed that this technology is useful in a network environment where the communication environment changes rapidly as nodes move.
Research on Entrepreneurial Actions in SMEs: New era with-coronavirus, COVID-19
Research Leader: SEKI Tomohiro (Professor, Faculty of Commerce)
The purpose of this study is to reveal the entrepreneurial processes of SMEs in the era of the with COVID-19. Specifically, from the perspective of the field of SME and entrepreneurship research, I conducted questionnaires and interviews in Japan and abroad, with a particular focus on three aspects: perceptions of crisis and adversity, attitudes towards action, and responses to them, in the context of the COVID-19. Among the SMEs who responded to the questionnaire, those with particularly positive attitudes were selected and interviewed, and the data obtained from the interviews were analyzed by a narrative approach.
A study on public demand of spectator sports under infectious diseases control
Research Leader: SHOJI Hiroto (Associate Professor, Faculty of Health and Sports Science)
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between intention to watch sports under COVID-19, risk perception, and infection prevention literacy. We conducted a national cross-sectional survey on the Internet. We investigated the scales of risk perception and preventive literacy, demographic variables, and then examined the associations between each item. The results showed that there was a significant difference in risk perception in the stadium watching sports, which was lower in the high spectatorship intention group and higher in the low spectatorship intention group. This suggests that the perception of risk, especially unknown risk, has a negative impact on the intention to watch sports when watching games at the stadium.
Value-focused Decision Model for Sustainable Business Management
Research Leader: SUGAI Philip (Professor, Graduate School of Business)
When a company says that they are focusing on “creating value” what specifically do they mean? This research aims to help organizations of any size or structure to not only understand what value means but also what specific policies and practices they need to set in place to create the highest possible levels of value for their stakeholders. We call this approach “Ethical Capitalism” which goes one step beyond stakeholder capitalism to provide a clear set of goals towards which firms of any size, or within any industry can aim to collectively achieve.
Research Achievements 【VIDEO】(YouTube)
A behavioral economic approach toward corporate risk governance with COVID-19 era
Research Leader: TAGUCHI Satoshi (Professor, Faculty of Commerce)
In this study, we analyzed the new ways of corporate risk management and corporate governance in the COVID-19 era from two major perspectives, relying on behavioral economics. Firstly, we positioned the economic and social situation under COVID-19 as a VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) society, and examined how technological progress in markets and organizations can weave social trust. Secondly, we discussed how corporate DX (Digital Transformation) will change the way of information disclose and audits. This research suggests that the key is how to encourage social preferences through technology-based nudges and that the design of social systems will become an urgent issue.
Effective administration of peptide vaccine
Research Leader: TAHARA Yoshiro (Associate Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering)
Transcutaneous vaccination is one of the most attractive vaccine methods because it is able to avoid the risks related to injection needles and the involvement of the medical professionals. However, it is difficult to deliver the antigens (mRNAs, peptides, and proteins) into the skin due to the barrier function mainly derived from the outer most layer of the skin (stratum corneum). In this study, hydrogels consisting of skin penetration enhancers were developed. The interaction of these enhancers with the stratum corneum were relatively high, and they were able to enhance the delivery of model drugs into the skin. These results suggested that the hydrogels prepared in this study are promising vehicles for transcutaneous vaccination.
Muscle deoxygenation during home-based bodyweight resistance training and training effects
Research Leader: TAKAGI Shun (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Health and Sports Science)
The aim of this study was to investigate 1) the effects of home-based bodyweight resistance training and 2) the relationship between training effects (i.e. muscle strength, muscle thickness, and strength endurance) and muscle deoxygenation during resistance exercise in untrained young men.
In training group, Bulgarian split squat exercise mainly using their body weight was performed at four sets of 10 repetitions, 3 days/week, for 8 weeks. Each exercise consisted of 5-s eccentric, 5-s concentric, and 1-s isometric actions with no rest between repetitions. The control group did not receive any intervention. Before and after 8 weeks, muscle strength, muscle thickness, strength endurance, and muscle deoxygenation at vastus lateralis muscle during resistance exercise were evaluated in all subjects.
In training group, muscle strength, thickness, and strength endurance were significantly improved after 8 weeks while no significant changes were observed in control group. Moreover, there is a possibility that muscle deoxygenation may be related to training effects.
Changes in Values and Digital Communication in the Post COVID-19 Era
Research Leader: TAKAHASHI Hiroyuki (Professor, Faculty of Commerce)
This research investigates changes in values and digital communication in Japan in the Post COVID-19 Era. With Geeles's Multi-level Perspective ('MLP') as a theoretical basis, researchers are now analyzing the data collected in a series of internet questionnaire surveys conducted in May and December 2020 exploring Japanese consumers' usage of the QR settlement applications, which began to be recognized in the Japanese market in April 2019 owing to the providers' extensive promotion and are rapidly prevailing in midst of the pandemic because of its non-contact nature--consumers can settle payments without contacting/touching any devices but their own smartphones. The analysis is expected to measure and identify the impact that the environmental changes such as the pandemic have given to the consumer behavior in Japan. The findings and implications will be shared and disseminated in conferences in both Japan and overseas.
Legal Issues on Electronic Signatures
Research Leader: TAKAHASHI Koji (Professor, Law School)
In 2020, telework was encouraged to curb the spread of the Covid 19 virus. Many workers in Japan, however, had to go to work just to affix a seal on documents. Affixing a seal is an age-old tradition in Japan. As an alternative, the Japanese government started to promote the use of electronic signatures. To see whether Japanese law is compatible with that policy, this research has examined the Japanese Electronic Signature Act. The conclusion it has reached is partially at odds with the interpretation of the Act put forward in 2020 by the three ministries in charge of the Act. Among the different types of electronic signatures, server-based signatures have become popular. It is suggested that the promotion of server-based witness signatures should not go to the extent of giving a tortured interpretation of the Act since the local signatures and server-based principal signatures, too, have a great potential.
Development of novel type of therapeutic agents for SARS-CoV-2 infections by targeting the receptor binding site of the CoV spike glycoprotein.
Research Leader: TAKAHASHI Miho (Assistant Professor, Faculty of Life and Medical Sciences)
The spike glycoprotein (S protein) is the surface envelop protein of SARS-CoV-2, which binds to the cellular receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). The S protein contains the receptor binding domain (RBD), which directly interacts with the peptidase domain of ACE2. In this study, we propose to develop a novel peptide-based SARS-CoV-2 inhibitor that targets the RBD of the S protein by using a multivalent peptide library screens. The identified peptides are expected to bind to the RBD with high affinity and inhibit the interaction between SARS-CoV-2 and ACE2.
A Study on the Impacts of Remote-work style with COVID-19 on Organizations/Workers
Research Leader: TANAKA Hideki (Associate Professor, Faculty of Policy Studies)
This study conducted a questionnaire survey on the impact of supervisors' management and frequency of sharing progress with team members in remote work situations. As a result, in order to succeed in remote work, (1) the supervisor should give more specific instructions on how to carry out the work, (2) if the remote is continued even after the emergency declaration is canceled, it is important to reduce the number of remote days compared to the situation in emergency declaration (to improve the quality of communication between superiors and subordinates), and (3) building the relationship of trust between superiors and subordinates is enhance subordinates' job satisfaction and quality of communication in virtual/real workplaces.
Children's physical activities and plays maintaining social distancing
Research Leader: TAZUKE Shunichi (Professor, Faculty of Health and Sports Science)
The stay-at-home life of parents and children before and during the closure of public kindergartens at A City in Hyogo Prefecture due to coronavirus was compared with the questionnaire. The parents answered, 18% satisfied, 33% rather satisfied, 35% undecided, 11% rather unsatisfied and 3% unsatisfied with their life at home during the closure of the kindergartens. The more satisfied parents were more pleasant, felt like their children were funny and less stressed. More they answered that the children's playgrounds and the play were like before the closure. Even during the closing of the Kindergartens, the children played the same Kind of plays that they used in the kindergartens before the closing. The social distancing of the children's play, e.g. a hang game were investigated in kindergartens. The average distance between children was 239.12 ± 95.68 cm, and the minimum distance was 41.64 cm. The continuous time of less than 1 m of the distance between children was 2.66 seconds.
Development of a support tool for remote concert by silicon concert hall
Research Leader: TSUCHIYA Takao (Professor, Faculty of Science and Engineering)
A tool to support the remote classic concert has been developed using the silicon concert hall as a technology to realize the hall acoustics. This system consists of a head mounted display and a notebook PC that provides binaural sound in the concert hall. High-presence binaural sound is realized by calculating the impulse responses of the hall in advance and convolving the head-related transfer functions of both ears into it. Binaural sound linked to the movement of the head can be realized using the HMD tracking camera and provides a high presence as if playing on stage. It can also provide a VR environment with a high presence by projecting 3D CG images of the hall.
Development of a Business Valuation Model Using a Real Options Approach under Ambiguity
Research Leader: TSUJIMURA Motoo (Professor, Faculty of Commerce)
This study investigates the capital expansion and reduction problem in firms when the output demand is ambiguous. We use the concept of κ-ignorance to describe the output demand ambiguity. When a firm changes its level of capital, it incurs both fixed and proportional costs. Therefore, the firm's problem is formulated as a stochastic impulse control problem. We solve the firm's problem via quasi-variational inequalities and numerically derive an optimal capital expansion and reduction policy. Further, we numerically conduct a comparative statics analysis that confirms that output demand ambiguity promotes capital reduction, while delaying capital expansion. Additionally, combining both the effects shrinks the continuation region.
Comparative study of contract law confronted with COVID-19
Research Leader: UEDA Seiichiro (Professor, Faculty of Law)
A research about how German contract law react to phenomena caused by COVID-19 pandemic. The main issue discussed is rent reduction due to the government measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. BGB Section 313 rules adaptation of the contract by an interference with the basis of the transaction and EGBGB Article 240 Section 7 make the presumption of an interference with the basis of the transaction by significant restrictions of the tenant’s operations caused by government measures to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic. The OLGs (German courts of appeal) were not unanimous about the interpretation of these rules and a BGH (German supreme court) judgement was awaited. The first judgement of BGH on January 12, 2022 now rules part of the problems, yet there are some aspects to be examined.
Off-Line Communications in Online Education
Research Leader: UKAI Kozo (Professor, Faculty of Social Studies)
In the pandemic situation of COVID-19, many universities are forced to conduct online education. We are relatively easy to do online lectures. But in our research, students evidently feel difficult and discontent to do online discussions even in small class as they cannot speak simultaneously and cannot watch carefully each other’s expressions. So online discussions often tend to be superficial. On the other hand, students ask more effective and efficient online lectures. So in With-Corona era, we are requested to construct the best hybrid method of Online and Off-Line education.
Behavioral changes towards creating shared value required in the post-corona era
Research Leader: URYUHARA Yoko (Associate Professor, Faculty of Commerce)
For companies in a with-post-corona society, the creation of new businesses with a view to shared value with society is the key to economic recovery.
In this study, we conducted a quantitative survey of 1,000 corporate employees to identify the actual state of “new business proposal behavior” (21.5%) and the factors that promote behavioural change (positive image, self-actualisation and support systems).
Vaccination of employees is also an important key to economic recovery. In the same survey, we found the percentage of employees who intend to be vaccinated (50.1%, 31.5% undecided). We also identified the factors that promote vaccination intentions (perceived efficacy over perceived risk, feeling expected by loved ones and society, and believing that the vaccine is beneficial to society as a whole).
How Regional Organizations take COVID-19 and Prepare Their Regional Communities for the Post-Corona International Cooperation
Research Leader: Aysun UYAR (Associate Professor, Faculty of Global and Regional Studies)
Main target of this project was set to look at various representative regional organizations, namely EU from Europe, AU from Africa, MERCOSUR from America, and ASEAN and SAARC from Asia to see how regional reactions at inter-governmental levels are taking place vis a vis COVID-19 pandemic and how those regional organizations are transforming themselves to adopt to the post-Corona international society. This research was conducted by focusing on the following research points: (1) time frame of these organizations` responses, (2) identification of regional specifications, (3) transformation of regionalization processes in each regional community, and (4) data from each field. Regional specifications and emphasis of each organization are different while they are responding to this global pandemic. Nevertheless, the ongoing waves of the pandemic in different regions and the race to secure enough vaccine for those specific regions have set limitations on the maneuvers of these regional entities. There is still time to set an agenda for preparedness of their regional communities for the future pandemics, but this COVID-19 pandemic has become an important experiment for these regional organizations to test their regional identities and regionness.
Environmental Impact Assessment of Post-COVID-19 Life Style Scenarios in Terms of Ecological Footprint
Research Leader: WADA Yoshihiko (Professor, Faculty of Economics)
In this study, authors used the Ecological Footprint (EF) to examine how the environmental impact of the lifestyles of Doshisha University students was changed by the total shift to online classes after the COVID-19 epidemic. The average EF figure before the spread of infection was 3.44 gha/person. After the spread of infection, it became 2.73 gha/person. The reduction rate was 20.6%. In fact, 80.0% of the students reduced their EF after COVDI-19 infections became noticeable. On the other hand, EF figures of 15.0% of them have increased. Why were there such stark differences? There should be further analysis. However, at glance, it is estimated that those whose EF figures have declined are the ones who normally commute long distance living with parents, and who love overseas travel by airplanes. There seems to be a tendency that the increased EF figures are the ones of those who normally live alone near the campus (and commute on foot or on bicycle) and who went back to their parent residents during the spring semester due to the university’s decision to switch from face-to-face lectures to online classes.
New Developments of SDGs in the Post-Covid19 Global Society
Research Leader: YAGI Tadashi (Professor, Faculty of Economics)
COVID-19 caused not only damage in the medical sense, but also economic losses and a variety of social consequences through various measures for preventing the spread of the infection. In this study, we analyzed the sustainability of society in a pandemic disaster from macroeconomics, public economics, and empirical perspectives, and conducted basic research on policy making based on theory and evidence. As results, the macroeconomic analysis shows that the fiscal expansion policy by underwriting the government bonds is effective in a pandemic disaster, and the public economic analysis shows that the lockdown is not effective when the infection rate is determined by the balance between infectivity and immunity.
How Can Online Education Advance Campus Internationalization?
Research Leader: YAMADA Reiko (Professor, Faculty of Social Studies)
Acquiring global competence (GC) is of critical importance in today's university education. In response to COVID restrictions, the faculty of the Department of Education and Culture created an opportunity for GC acquisition by forming an online overseas-experience class in cooperation with the College of Education at the University of Hawai'i. The class featured a project where students from both universities examined "COVID Cultures of Education" within Kyoto and Hawai'i. To observe, analyze, and compare these cultures, participants formed groups made up of two to three students from each institution and conducted discussions and surveys via Zoom, Google Drive, and LINE. Surveys were conducted using a variety of methods, points of view, and content in both English and Japanese. The results were presented in online student presentations, printed proceedings, and faculty conference presentations.
Research Achievements 【VIDEO】(YouTube) YAMADA Reiko
Research Achievements 【VIDEO】(YouTube) William R. STEVENSON
Market Category Formation Studies
Research Leader: YAMAUCHI Yuki (Associate Professor, Faculty of Commerce)
The issue of how new markets will emerge seems to be of increasing importance under the Corona pandemic. The use of AI and robotics is also expected to develop in many industries in order to avoid human-to-human contact. This study examines the historical background of how these technologies, which are expected to solve 'new' social problems, have emerged as nascent markets from the perspective of category creation. One particular feature of this study is that it is not bound by the 'heroic acts of entrepreneurs' that often attract attention in existing studies, but focuses on the roles played by diverse actors. In order to understand this perspective, the study relied on Strategic Action Field Theory and clarified how markets emerged as a collective act of actors with different interests.
Real Time Emergency Responsive Cares with the Case of Covid-19 Pandemic
Research Leader: YIN Yong (Professor, Graduate School of Business)
We are working on the following research paper.
The tentative progress is as follows.
This paper introduces a new highly flexible, productive, and efficient hospital capacity management system, just in time response system (JIT-RS), which aims to bring huge benefits to hospital capacity management in order to match required medical capacity with pandemic treatment needs. The purpose of this paper is to achieve a high service level with acceptable costs.
Relationship between COVID-19 antibody status and physical function in the elderly: Yurin Study
Research Leader: YONEI Yoshikazu (Professor, Faculty of Life and Medical Sciences)
The purpose was to examine physical information that increases the risk of COVID-19 infection. The subjects were university staff (21 cases, 49.3 ± 12.9 years) and independent elderly (36 cases, 79.3 ± 11.6 years) who walked a lot per day. Subjects underwent anti-aging medical checkups and serum COVID-19 antibody measurement, and analyzed the relationship with each examination item. As a result, no antibody-positive individuals were found in either group. Both groups had fewer problems such as smoking, drinking, lack of exercise, and poor sleep quality. The reason why there were no antibody-positive subjects among the elderly was that they had a healthy lifestyle of walking more than 7,000 steps a day, so that their immune function was well maintained even if the glycative stress was slightly stronger.
Japanese-German Comparison on Risk Control Approach to COVID-19 Based on Data Science
Research Leader: ZHENG Yuejun (Professor, Faculty of Culture and Information Science)
This research focused on the validity of the measure against COVID-19 infection expansion in Germany and Japan, where the numbers of infected persons and dead had been comparatively low rates in the early stage. We conducted a cross-national comparison of the difference and the validity in the state of emergency of both countries based on the weekly data of infection and death. The results of data analysis by time series have demonstrated that the state of emergency in Japan and the contact restriction in Germany had brought the significant effect to control infection expansion, but the validity was different depending on the strictness of measures. Meanwhile, we can say that the slackness of risk management consciousness of governments and people is one of the causes which repeated the infection expansion to the pandemic.