

Cismor セミナー No.3/2024 ”Nationalism and War:The Long-Term Perspective”を開催します。

2024年9月20日 更新

20241001_CismorFly.jpg (104420) Cismor セミナー No.3/2024

Nationalism demands that states be ruled by representatives of the nation, rather than by a dynasty in the name of an imperial civilization. Over the past 250 years, nationalism has radically transformed the political world, generating many of the wars between and within states during this period. This talk highlights the mechanisms and pathways through which the global spread of nationalism has led to wars, as well as the recurring patterns that emerge across different times and contexts. It also includes two short excursus aimed at understanding the Ukraine war and the Gaza conflict from a global comparative and long-term historical perspective.

開催日 2024年10月1日(火)17:45~19:15
開催場所 同志社大学烏丸キャンパス 志高館会議室 および オンライン配信
講師 Prof.  Wimmer, Andreas(Lieber Professor of Sociology and Political Philosophy, Columbia University)
費用 無料
対象者 在学生 受験生 卒業生 一般の方
参加申込 必須 9月30日締め切り 
お問い合わせ先  同志社大学一神教学際研究センター